There were still a few hours to noon, and Masilatabhrata considered his options as he left the market. There were a few, trivial things he could do in the meantime (There were always people to bother, after all), but he conidred it best to just go home. He didn't have a separate shop for his business. The modest row home he held his life in he also took care of his customers. Would it be more profitable to rent a store? Absolutely. But word of mouth did him well, and he made enough to live comfortably. He noticed his clients always seemed more comfortable, and what was good for them was good for him. A small group of people standing near his house barely caught his attention, until he heard screaming. He glanced back at them as he unlocked his door, "Can you stop that, you'll scare my bird-" He stopped everything, dropping his bag as he turned to face the three. The one was moving around frantically, yelling something but the alp didn't have the time to look at them. The angel was what caught his attention first. Past experiences with the celestial beings left him wary of them, most especially the potentates. He couldn't figure out what rank this one was, however, that didn't put him at ease. Had she always been in the town? Wait. He remembered when he first came to the town, and someone had offhandedly mentioned an angel running the post office. That had been the reason any time he ordered a package, he would pick it up directly rather than let it be delivered. He had always been very methodical with his mail, so that he wouldn't have to meet the angel or have them so much as glance at his mail. Seeing her face to face made him think that maybe she wasn't that bad, or maybe she was and her looks were just deciving. In any case, he didn't like the idea of an angel being so close to his house. It could easily throw off the energy he had spent so long perfecting, and then he would have bad luck until he could fix it thanks to her. He couldn't have thought of something to say to the angel before his attention turned to the man. Well, at least once he was a man, rather than a monster. "Holy shit." He walked down the steps , his red eyes focused at the man's own. Looking at them, there was no mistake. There was a bokor in this town, and he didn't even know it? He was frustrated with himself for not realizing this sooner. Whoever they were, they were better than Masilalt. His mother was a mambo, and while many of her teachings stuck with him, he now found himself wishing he had spent some more time paying attention to her in their short time together. "Don't you have more important things to do than to be standing here screaming?" Part of him hoped he didn't. Business could wait, right now this vodun zombie was his top priority. [@Shilly] [@onenote] [@shivershiver]