[@Raijinslayer][@t2wave][@Queen Cobra][@Satsuki][@Obscene Symphony] [color=aba000]"Good morning Simon Armijo. How are you?"[/color] The llama smiled at the jackal girl, giving a nod. [color=00a651]"Good morning Sophie. I'm doing well, it seems my little corner is fairly popular this morning. I hope you're having a nice start to your day."[/color] Albert headed behind the counter, seeming a little out of breath. Mornings were usually the busiest time for the cafe, sure, but never this early! The boy nodded at Sophie, the fear of Oerba having been put aside as he focused instead on work. His eyes flitted briefly towards Mulivon with a slight tinge of his cheeks before focusing firmly on the Jackal girl. [color=00a651]"Hi, what did you need?"[/color] Simon took his focus back onto those in front of him. Oerba continued her usual teasing, making Simon simply smile his usual breezy smile. She was energetic this morning it seemed. As Mulivon made her statement for...fruit filled sweetbread? A pastry? Simon opted for a pastry, asking for clarification in the midst of this crowd was probably a bad idea, the hybrid saw the street outside start to get busier with the day to day traffic. [color=00a651]"Officer Oerba, please remember that despite your position as an officer, you are currently on private property and I would ask that you not insult my customers. Enjoy the coffee."[/color] The hybrid smiled at the Naga, before tilting a head to Ian as he called out his own order, the llama heading up to the front to begin working on all the requests and help Albert out before the rest of the morning crowd came in. Maybe he should have asked Sarah to come in earlier... [color=00a651]"Ian, also remember our discussion about harassing my female employees and customers before you start your usual flirting."[/color] Albert seemed to be helping Sophie, so Simon opted for multitasking, smiling at Mitch while he pulled a raspberry pastry and a scone out of the case. He was hoping the...Norse? Hard to tell really, the girl wearing a skull headdress, would like raspberry instead of lemon or blueberry. He put the scone well away from the front of the counter, mostly so Ian didn't simply walk off without paying for it. The coffee brewer was still churning away as Simon handed the pastry to Mulivon, before heading over to the snake boy. [color=00a651]"Good morning, what can I get ya?"[/color]