[@Raijinslayer][@Spawnling][@Satsuki] For a brief moment Ian addressed her and introduced himself by what she assumed was his first name. Giving a piece of wisdom she nodded respectfully but did not quite understand what he had meant. Glancing at the naga for a moment he had run off to speak with the one next to her. How rude, but no matter. The town wasn't so big that she wouldn't see him again. Though given that they were right next to her she would be able to hear everything. Besides Simon had responded to her so that would suffice for social interaction. "[color=gold]Yes I see that. I was not expecting it to be this crowded when I left the library this morning.[/color]" Before too much else could be said he was off again. But just as before she paid no mind. When Albert came over and asked what she wanted she paused. She still did not understand the draw of coffee and did not know which one would be better over another. After ordering a coffee from the manu she headed out with it in hand. Really, she should know a bit better what could have added in has attempt. Coffee was not a big thing in France during the 1800s. But sugar should be a given.