[center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/rakurai]WIP OOC HERE[/url] [color=#FF8080][u][b]Closed, Waiting List Only[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://s20.postimg.org/ggrou5wnh/image.jpg[/img] [color=#E3B7E8][h3][b][u]Introduction[/u][/b][/h3][/color][/center] [color=#E3B7E8]Death, it’s the last thing you think of as you close your eyes one final time. Knowing full well that your time is up, it doesn’t matter if you embrace the cold grasp of the nether, or violently try and shake it off. A series of images rapidly flash through your mind, memorable moments with friends, troubling times you came out stronger after surviving, loved ones you’ll leave behind. With each flickering image you feel it all fading into nothingness. Everything you knew, experienced and cherished gets absorbed into the ever growing darkness. You’re falling... and there’s nothing you can do about it. The last thing that you recall is your name, something you’ve held close to you ever since birth. Feebly you reach out, trying to hold onto the last thing that defined you as you. And then you awaken. The evening sun stares warmly down at you from the sky above. You feels like you’ve been hit by a truck... but it moves... and you don’t seem to be injured. You’re okay. Or are you? Looking around you realize that the leafy greenery around you is one you don’t recognize. You don’t remember falling asleep out here in the middle of nowhere. But as you stand and decide to head home you realize you don’t know where that is. Family, friends, you can’t even remember what you had for breakfast. The only thing you have is your name. [/color] [center][img]http://s20.postimg.org/43eun96z1/image.jpg[/img] [color=#B7E8C0][h3][b][u]Concept[/u][/b][/h3][/color][/center] [color=#B7E8C0]Welcome lost soul to Toybox Memories~ Before I start explaining this roleplay, I would like to state that this idea was inspired by the anime ‘AngelBeats!’ That said, I would also like to explicitly state that the mechanics and lore of this roleplay differ significantly, and hence knowing what AngelBeats! Won’t actually give you a head start or anything. I just wanted to throw it in the title because I enjoyed the show xD [s]Shhh, don’t hate me for false advertising... Please?[/s] Anyway on to the summary; As you’ve noticed this roleplay starts with your character’s death and their inability to remember much, if anything about their past. The only certainty is that they’ve awoken in a world unrecognizable to them. Fortunately your character isn’t alone, and after wandering around in the sea of tree’s for awhile you’ll come across an establishment; An abandoned school which seems to have only recently been abandoned. Here you meet others like yourself, lost, confused and having no recollection of their past. (For AB! Fans this should seem familiar, but here comes the twist). Within the school you encounter a strange... man...? (My Character) who seems to know much more than he’s willing to reveal. He cautions everyone to stay within the school grounds, and not wander into the forest. Once things have settled down a bit it’ll be revealed that there are things called ‘fragments’ scattered across the world, ingesting these will assist your character in regaining their memories, and ultimately the characters will discover the truth about the world, themselves and what they need to do next. Unfortunately the forest is inhabited by creatures of various shapes and sizes. Many of which can be quite dangerous, possibly even lethal. In addition to the threat of the wildlands, mysterious shadows occasionally appear on campus after nightfall. No one knows what happens to those who are captured by the ‘Wardens’, but one thing’s for sure. They’re never seen again. Other elements will be introduced later on, but for the time being I’d like to see if anyone finds this idea worthwhile?[/color] [center][img]http://s20.postimg.org/45yqa3aml/image.jpg[/img] [color=#E4E8B7][h3][u][b]Expectations[/b][/u][/h3][/color][/center] [color=#E4E8B7][list][*]Dedication: Please have the courtesy to inform me and other when you’re going to be busy, or when you’re dropping out. No reason is required, just a quick statement is fine. [*]OoC Activity: Would be highly appreciated, we don’t all have to be the best of friends but communication makes things more fun. [*]IC Activity: There is no requirement, but after Intchk discussion we’ll decide on how often people should aim to post. This is to make sure we have everyone roughly on the same activity levels. Cause lets face it, it sucks have some people spamming daily, and others posting once in a blue moon. [*]Artsy Images: Odd Rule, but I only allow artistic/anime/digital images when doing character descriptions. Visual reference are great, but when I try imagining a sexy celebrity interacting with some anime character it just… feels strange.[/list][/color] [center][h3][b][u]Activity[/u][/b][/h3][/center] Just a quick form for those generous enough to express interest. 1. How often are you able to post on average? - Daily or More - Maybe a post every 2 days - Once every 3 days - Once or twice a week. Note: On average, if you say "daily" and miss a day or two here and there I won’t bite your head off. [s]Though I might take a few fingers....jk xD[/s]