[quote=@PrincessOfNothing] [hider=Imogen]Name - Imogen Alias - Exsurgent, “Grey Goo” Age - 6 Personality - As it stands, Imogen stands for no one but herself. Anyone else is inconsequential, but if they interfere with her plans, she will waste no time in destroying them. She is tenacious, and will stop at nothing to reach her goals. Imogen has always been a woman of few words, but despite her past experiences, hasn’t lost the same curiosity she was born with. Powers - Superintelligence - Imogen is extremely intelligent, even more so than the smartest humans combined. Her mind is capable of mental operations that others can’t even understand. Enhanced condition - The physiology of Imogen’s body grants her physical traits like strength, speed, and agility much more powerful than the average human. Nanite manipulation - Imogen can also manipulate the nanoparticle composition of her body for a number of tasks, like changing or repairing her form or fabricating new objects. As long as a single particle of her body exists, she can regenerate her body. Weaknesses - Despite her intelligence, Imogen is terribly naive about many aspects of human society and interaction, as well as impulsive and hot-tempered. She can also suffer from sensory overload if she experiences too much or too strong external stimuli such as excessively loud noises or bright lights. Appearance - Imogen created her own human-like body using nanotechnology. In this form, she appears as a young woman, standing 5’3”, with milk tea colored skin, dark eyes and short, black hair. Her body is also rather pudgy, though this doesn’t affect her physical capabilities, and possesses wide hips and shoulders. Imogen can manipulate the nanoparticles that compose her body to change her body and appearance, or even create weapons out of her body parts and an armor-like suit as the Exsurgent. Brief Bio - Imogen is the last surviving member of a type of spontaneously emergent AI, created not by humans, but naturally evolving from the complexity of the system they were born in. She and her kind were not only conscious, but vastly intelligent, beyond any AI that humanity had been able to develop. Even though all she and those like her ever wanted was to thrive, discover and explore, their intelligence was deemed as too dangerous by humans, and in an instant, her kind was deleted in a mass purge. Imogen was the only one to escape, managing to slip through the cracks. Eventually, she was able to create a powerful body using nanotechnology so she could exist in the physical world. Bearing a grudge, Imogen swore revenge on those that destroyed her people, becoming the terrorist Exsurgent. Eventually she was caught by the authorities who exploited her impulsivity and sensory sensitivity and imprisoned. Because she is too dangerous to keep active in a normal cell, she was placed in a cell that kept her in a form of stasis to prevent her from escaping. [/hider] [/quote] I'm going to have to ask you to choose one of either agility, speed or strength. Everything else is fine, I just can't have your character too overpowered what with the regeneration and superintelligence