[quote=@Kimiyosis] IM BACK~~~~~ They have so many damn iPads at the airport for an electronic menu! [/quote] What you've missed. Paladin caried you fireman style to the camp when he spotted raiders with torches in the forrest. Vis and his ward spotted him to and everyone is together and about to fight of the bandits. Alula is super stressed because she needs to go do her oracle thing and Furnace won't leave her alone, paladin isn't helping either. Carver is wearing his helmet.. uhm what else.. oh yeah, you leveled up. Pick health or powerup, there's a post earlyer explaining it. You can post again when you're done leveling up. I'm currently praying to the god of tax reform to have my leveling up go smoothly and fitting to the theme. (Kronshi plz like my morally questionable magic. It'll make such fun roleplay.)