[center] [color=f49ac2][i]"It’s a pleasure"[/i][/color] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e7/23/2c/e7232c416559d8a2c60cdfcfd65faaf3.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b] Princess Viridiana Rose Juran [b]Age[/b] 97 [b]Sex[/b] Female [b]Sexual Preference[/b] Heterosexual [b]Vampire[/b]/Human/Slayer [b]Pure Blood[/b]/Aristocrat/Turned [b]Family[/b] N/A [b]Significant Other[/b] N/A -Her brothers have yet to decide who wants her more- [u][b]Gifts[/b][/u] [u]Clairvoyance[/u] - Via visions and poems and dreams – some rather violent – she has the ability to see faraway places in the present times, past and future events coming on the current path. She may submerge herself in trances to call visions forth at will, though these are more violent and painful for her – [u]Death[/u] -Strangely enough the Pure Blood vampire, Vi is able to channel death. This gives her the ability to see, hear and speak to spirits, as well as find where they are attached to. She can tell if and when someone is going to die by touching them – only if the time of death is close. She may also control the dead and force them to obey her command – [u]Telepathy[/u] -Able to hear the surface thoughts of anyone within a mile radius of her, though read past thoughts and diving into memories requires her to concentrate more on that single person than the group. The closer they person is the easiest it is for her. She may as well send her own thoughts and memories and images to others. This ability gives her a heightened sense of when someone is trying to touch her mind and allows her to construct mental walls- [b]Personality[/b] Quiet, mild mannered, sweet and loving; Viridiana exhibits many of the characteristics required of a good Queen and a sweet Princess. She is coveted and yet remains humble and kind but still capable of being coy and fun loving. [b]Biography[/b] A mere 97 years old, the youngest of the royal families children she is the daughter of the King and Queen and the next in line to be Queen of the Vampires. She was raised like this, and has only recently begun going out into public with her parents. Several males from aristocratic families have expressed a desire for her hand though they know that that honour will most likely fall to her eldest brother. [b]Extras[/b] -She has a photographic memory- -Enjoys reading and writing- -Cats are her favourite animal, she has three as well as a horse- [/center]