She waited for a few moments after Kirei exited the store and watched her causally make her way to the cafe. Anna could see all the hustle and bustle inside that little thing and raised an eyebrow in curiosity. It wasn't often that the cafe was so popular this early in the morning, which made Anna smirk a little - how busy Simon must've felt right now while Anna got to lazily recline in her chair. Though there was one advantage to having so many customers - more money, but Anna wasn't too worried about this. Not having to eat made making a living about twice as easy. She took a few moments to relax, staring at the pause screen for her game. It had felt odd to be so open with someone she had just met. Of course the conversation had just flowed in that direction, so she shouldn't feel too bad about it, though it was hard not to think over it a few times. Kirei seemed to be friendly though it was obvious that the spider-woman wasn't used to conversing all that much ... Anna had to admit it though, most of her thoughts were drifting to her own comments. Memories slowly broke through the floodgate of her past, how often she was mistreated, ignored, and judged because of what and who she was. Myth creatures had become more open lately, but it didn't change the fact that Yōkai were rare even compared to other myth creatures. Something about being a spirit made others even more cautious around you it seemed, well except in this town. Still, she was so used to being shunned and ignored, how could she ever believe any woman would want to be with her? Kirei had mentioned trying to make herself seem attractive or tempt others with her cuteness. She curled her tail into her lap and gently petted it, wondering if she was even capable of doing that. Anna had only ever been herself and she didn't like the idea of acting just to try and get someone's attention. After all, if they really wanted to be with her, then they'd just like her... for being herself, right? Eventually she settled on the same thing she always settled on - it was never likely anyone would [b]really[/b] want to be with her. Even the few times she experienced being with a woman before, it always blew up in her face. It was just [i]normal.[/i] So what could a cat do besides try and find happiness outside of love, if she knew she'd never be loved? That was definitely a question that had been plaguing her lately. She ran a store, but would she, could she ever do anything meaningful with her life? Anna sighed and slumped back in her chair. [i]'Gods, today is going to be a [b]long[/b] day...'[/i]