[@Pyromania99] Sophie was not paying particular attention to the others around her. She had ordered a mocha which, suffice to say, she had little idea what it contained other than what the menu had stated. Cautiously she took a sip. It was still quite hot so it slightly burned her tongue but besides she was fine. It was sweet and creamy that the plain one she'd made didn't have. It was actually much sweeter than most things she'd had drunk before. The human world did love having a lot of flavor in their food. While she didn't see the Spideress personally the scarab did and her ears directed themselves a couple seconds before her eyes followed. This was yet another person she had not met. That wasn't too unusual given how short of a time she'd been here. Also the library didn't always attract a whole lot of people outside of school or college kids. But that made for a great place to read. Slowing a bit she approached her curiously. "[color=gold]Hello. May I help you with something?[/color]" The tone was not one of disrespect, but of actual curiosity. While she appeared appeared human at first glance she'd learned that appearances can be deceiving.