Characters: Ian, Simon, Sophie, Anna Letting the small avian go, scaled hands grasped at her cup of coffee and took a sip, savouring the taste and enjoying the warmth. Her eyes darted to the strange speaking woman in the odd garments who was leaving the store. She then looked at the pathetic looking ferret currently hissing at her. In response, her impressive fang elongated even further, becoming like sabres. She bared them at the ferret, warning him of how easily she could end it's life. Her piercing eyes flitted to the Jackal-woman, seeing no expression pass over her face. [i][color=ed1c24]Must be another introvert.[/color][/I] The serpent thought, her eyes critically roaming over the silent woman. She did this action a lot and it was usually involuntary. The trait came with her job. She had to always be alert and critical to ensure that there were no potential criminals about. There have bee a couple of times where she had to stop a robbery in a few shops she had been in, including the cafe. No one suspected the silent stranger who sat in a secluded corner of the store until he had pulled out a weapon and demanded money. Those people were sitting in prison at the moment. Though, there have been a few accidents with the other officers where they accidentally murdered a criminal in a struggle. Oerba has, surprisingly, never had one of these slip ups despite her large size and her powerful muscles. She preferred to keep it this way. ''[color=9e0b0f][b]It matters not if I 'swing' this way or that. Either way, I still find you revolting, slutcubus.[/b][/color]'' The snake woman responded, her red eyes staring at him with a superior gaze. His presence disgusted her on both a professional and personal level. His blatant unruly conduct insulted her as an officer of the law and his slimy personality insulted Oerba on a personal level. He held many of the characteristics the snake woman hated in just about anybody. She scoffed and rolled her eyes at his pathetic attempt at whispering. ''[b][color=9e0b0f]My hearing is impeccable. Do remember that the next time you partake in any... misconduct.[/color][/b]'' The Naga responded, her eyes glinting with malicious intent when the sunlight shone on her. The police office had no evidence that the Incubus had actually been taking illegal substances, but Oerba had a feeling about it. The Naga, however, would not make any moves and risk being wrong. She eyed him critically as he left to try and flirt another woman in the cafe, continuing to sip on her coffee. Her eyes turned to the fluffy llama hybrid who approached her and chastised her insults towards the undesirable Incubus hybrid. ''[b][color=9e0b0f]Apologies, fluffy.[/color][/b]'' The Naga responded, giving him a sultry look. She smiled at him sweetly but not so sweetly, her fangs showing involuntarily. As she finished off her coffee, she slithered towards the counter to where Simon had gone off to. She offered him the money for her morning coffee. ''[b][color=9e0b0f]I must leave, fluffy. Thanks for the hot coffee.[/color][/b]'' At this, she turned and left the small cafe. She had looked around the street that the cafe was on, taking in the various stores and kiosks that where available. Her deft eyes spotted what appeared to be some sort of electronics shop. Oerba had little technology as she grew up in a desert filled with sandstone temples and contraptions ran by water. As such, she decided to see what all the rage was about these ''computers''. She deftly and gracefully slithered into the store, looking around in it. She saw different types of what appeared to be these computer contraptions and several other electronics that she did not know of. Looking up towards the counter, she saw a woman with cat appendages sitting in front of some sort of screen. The snake woman slowly approached, knowing how some people could react to her appearance.