[@Asuna Yuuki][@karamonnom][@Rae Zer][@MelodyNoir][@Kanami][@Masaki Haruna][@Cultural Titan] And here's the character sheet~ [color=#F1C373][h3][b][u]Character Application Sheet[/u][/b][/h3][/color] [hider=Character Application][Character Image] [u]Name:[/u] [u]Age:[/u] [u]Gender:[/u] [u]Height:[/u] [u]Hair Color:[/u] [u]Eye Color:[/u] [u]Personality:[/u] (Trait 1): (Trait 2): (Trait 3): [u]Strengths and Skills:[/u] (Trait 1): (Trait 2): (Trait 3): [u]Flaws and Weaknesses:[/u] (Trait 1): (Trait 2): (Trait 3): [u]Memories:[/u] - (Identity): - (Event): - (Dreams): - (Death): [u]Other:[/u] (Anything else you'd like to publicly share about your character) [/hider] [hider=Extra Notes][u][b]Personality[/b][/u] [i]*Select three personality traits that best describe your character, and add a brief description. Try choosing interesting traits rather than generic ones. Eg; Boisterous: Loud, annoying and in your face, Waldo was born with the ability to turn all heads when he walks into a room. Unfortunately it came with a certain side-effect that makes people also want to run away.[/i] [u][b]Strengths/Weaknesses[/b][/u] [i]*Name a few things your character is good at, maybe they’re a fast runner, good at playing the violin, have a cheerful friendly personality? Anything positive about your character. [/i] [i]*Name a few weaknesses, are they scared of anything? Are they clumsy? Maybe they can’t stand something? Or maybe they have a short-temper and can be riled up really easily?[/i] [u][b]Memories[/b][/u] [i]*Memories are the equivalent of the background section, however will serve an extra added purpose in this RP. Initially all of these facts will be forgotten, so that they can gradually be recalled as the roleplay progresses. Clarification has been listed below [b]Death:[/b] How they ‘Died” and why? As well as any events leading up to their death. [b]Identity:[/b] Who they are as a person, where did they live? Who were their loved ones? [b]Event:[/b] A series of significant occurrences in their life, and their general attitudes towards life. [b]Dreams:[/b] Any unfulfilled dreams or goals they had. *Note: The Memories section will be marked as "???" in the character sheet list, and will be explicitly known only between the character creator (You) and the GM (Rakurai).[/i][/hider] - CS's should be PM'ed to me first. - Accepted characters are allowed to post their thread in the Character Sheet tab once the OoC is up. - If you have any questions, or if something is unclear please let me know and I'll try and answer your questions as best I can. - I'll try and upload an example CS once I'm done making the OoC.