Ian interacting with Mulivon and Simon, mentioning Oerba and Mitch Ian smiled as he saw how Mulivon marveled at the taste of her pastry, content to let her get it out of her system, He even found it to be a a bit cute, but he wouldn't say it to her face, she obviously had a good deal of pride and prideful women tended not to like being called 'cute'. The fact that she glowed red with embarrassment after she realized that she was keeping him waiting made her even cuter. Simon came over with their pastries and a reminder for Ian of there agreement, causing Ina to roll his eyes. He was only engaing in conversation, it's not like he groped women or what not. People were such prudes on this plane of existence. Turning his attention back to Mulivon, He listened to her explain her origins and thought of a succinct way to answer her questions, laughing a little when she brought up Albert's fear of Oerba. While it wasn't completely unfounded, the Lamia wasn't as dangerous as she liked to make herself seem. Plus she's a cop, and a damn good one to, so as long as someone stayed out of trouble they would be fine. Which was why Ian would always be on her bad side, he lived for trouble, it was in his blood. [color=aba000]"Interesting consider me honored to be in the presence of such regal lineage,"[/color] Ian bowed his head in a sign of respect, smile never leaving his face as he continued, [color=aba000]"It only makes sense, given the splendid radiance of your beauty, that you would have the blood of the divine flowing through your veins. Alas, all that flows through my own is the infernal ichor of a demon of chaos and a succubus, rather dull in comparison I would think. As for where I come from, it's a rather volatile plane of the underworld, full of all kinds of terrible, terrible demons. My mother was able to steal me away from it early on in life, more out of duty than anything else, and took me traveling with her through several different realms before we came to Earth and I was left abandoned in a orphanage somewhere in London I believe." [/color] Ian took this moment to take a bite of his own scone, taking a glance at the large man that had come in, the odd pigmentation of his skin giving Ian cause to take note of the individual for alter questioning. He had yet to see a being such as this one before, and he definitely looked like he'd have a few interesting stories to tell. Simon came by again with their drinks . . . and a reminder for Ian that he had to pay. Ian only gave a smile to the llama-centaur, hiding the annoyance he was starting to feel at the man's insistent reminders. Ian took a sip of his coffee, watching Simon go over to the other newcomer while starting a count down in his head. [color=aba000]"Moving on to your next inquiry, no, I sadly cannot change my shape, I'm merely a demon of chaos and mischief, which gives me moderate power like being able to do this," [/color]Ian pointed out the window to where [color=ed1c24]Oerba[/color] was slithering out in some sort of huff. His eyes flashed a dark red for a split-second, and from out of nowhere, a flock of starlings flew in from above over the Lamia officer, a small bombardment of excrement falling down around her. Most of it would miss, but some of it would not, and there would be a bit of a mess in the street as well. [color=aba000][i]That is for calling me succubus, which isn't even close to being proper vernacular. If she had called me a dickubus, than I would've let it slide, but I cannot let such ignorance go unpunished, and when she comes in here, I'll be sure o properly educate her on the matter[/i][/color] [color=aba000] "As you can see, My power allows me to make the implausible to become plausible, on a small scale, little acts of mischief and what not, and it's nearly impossible to trace back to me, which is why I hope you won't tell Oerba that I'm responsible for that, as I'm sure she will be rather peeved by it. I could take her, of course, but that would ultimately end with me being jailed for assaulting an officer of the law."[/color] As Ian spoke, he reacehed into his pocket to pull out a wallet, reaching in to take out the amount of money that would pay for both his order and Mulivon's, a thank you gift for giving him the pleasure of her time. He placed it on a specific spot on the counter, made a show of counting down from five before pointing right at Simon's face when he appeared, the money for the food being right under where he placed his hands, returning the man's smile with one of his own though it was very much lacking in it's usual mirth. [color=aba000]"Simon, I know that I have a bit of a reputation but I think reminding me that I have to pay twice with in the space of a few minutes is not only very rude, but does a lot to make one feel very unwelcome. Add on to that fact that I've yet to ever perform an eat and run in your establishment, or even in this town, and you should be able to understand why your actions are making me a bit upset. If you don't wish for me to be in your shop, or distrust me that much, then just tell me and I'll gladly find another place to eat. But don't play this passive-aggressive intimidation game with me, it's an insult to my intelligence and trying to my patience.[/color]" Ian was actually very pissed off, but he had to control that anger, control the instincts that it brought with it, instincts he had long since buried. Still, he couldn't help the menacing shade of red that had entered his eyes, nor the cold tone his voice had taken when addressing the Cafe's proprietor. After he was done speaking to Simon, he turned back to Mulivon with an apologetic smile on his face, the red in his eyes fading slightly. [color=aba000]"I'm very sorry for this, but I believe I will be leaving soon, given how my presence seems to be unwanted at the moment. If you want to continue this conversation, however, then I could give you a tour around town, help you become better acquainted and what not. I'm actually very much interested to hear more about your family, as it's not everyday you get to meet the descendant of a goddess. I hope you don't mind if I paid for your meal as well, consider it both an offering and a thank you gift for the lovely conversation."[/color] [@Spawnling] [@Obscene Symphony]-Mentioned [@Queen Cobra]-Pranked [@Satsuki]