[center][i]“What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.”[/i] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/01/ac/3c/01ac3c8a85eb9b6881d2ba87ca7c3c1c.jpg[/img] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Prince Matthieu Xavier Juran [b]Age:[/b] 110 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Sexual Preference:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Vampire[/b]/Human/Slayer [b]Pure Blood[/b]/Aristocrat/Turned [b]Family:[/b] Younger sister - Viridiana [b]Significant Other:[/b] N/A [b]Gifts:[/b] Enhanced vision - Thanks to his pure blood standing, Matthieu has been gifted three distinct powers of special eyesight. They are night vision, which allows him to see in darkness, even the dark, infrared, which allows him to perceive heat signatures and x-ray, which allows him to see through solid objects such as walls or doors. Shapeshifting - He is able to shapeshift into two different forms, that of a bat and other humans. He isn't entirely sure why he isn't able to change into animals other than a bat, but it is a useful form at that, small, numerous and able to fly. He often will use it to make a quick escape. His shapeshifting into a human is more complicated, first off it has to be an actual person that he has seen with his own eyes, one he has encountered, it does not matter if they are dead or alive, just that he has seen them clearly with his two eyes. The gift has a limit as he is unable to add mass, he couldn't shift into a larger man whether fat or extremely muscular, just one with similar or lesser body shape to his. [b]Personality:[/b] Matthieu is a flirtatious, curious vampire, he is normally very friendly and kind, but only to other vampires. He tends to look down upon humans, seeing them as weaklings that just happen to inhabit the world that happen to be a food source but he'll admit that they are entertaining and sometimes useful outside of feeding. He puts his family and himself above all others, but has a watchful eye for his vampire kin. [b]Biography:[/b] The eldest of the King and Queen, he possesses two siblings, a sister and brother, both younger. As such he is next in line to become King, something he does not like to think about much now, valuing his freedom and current lack of pressure to rule. Though he knows the day will come one day and he'll try to be ready for it when it does. He also has yet to take a wife, and has been pressured to marry his sister but he is unsure of it. [b]Extras:[/b] N/A