Eliza watched as the girl made some unique positions with her head and body, she was quite the character. "You're Welcome and I'm glad I could help." She smiled, deciding to go along with the girl's personality. "And it's nice to meet you Dullahan, I'm the mail person here." Eliza jumped a bit when she almost dropped her head again, she was just getting used to seeing it where it would be for a normal person so seeing it come off was a little bit jolting. "Well it'll be nice to walk with someone." Eliza said as she started to lead the way to doctor's office, trying to go at a nice pace to accommodate for the slight limp that Dullahan was trying to hide. "So Dullahan, what brings you to Diehlstadt? Are you moving here or just visiting, if you don't mind me asking that is." Eliza asked her as she adjusted her messenger bag and gave one last quick look back at the zombie and demon, hoping that things for the zombie would be okay... [hr] [@Shilly]