[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lmcykb5.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lumière Delacroix [b]Alias:[/b] Witch-Hunter [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Skills[/b] [i]Grace[/i] – With a combination of natural dexterity and agility, Lumière is a highly mobile fighter who focuses on overwhelming opponents with rapid, accurate attacks. As the name suggests she focuses on evasion as opposed to defence when dealing with physical attacks. Magic is a different matter altogether. [i]Adaptability[/i] – Lumière is able to adapt quickly to changing combat conditions, most notably in her ability to switch between weapons during combat to suit the situation, thus keeping her opponents off guard and on the defensive. [b]Magic[/b] – [i]Demonic Armaments[/i] – A form of conjuration magic that specialises in the summoning of otherworldly energies with the intent of forming weapons that can be wielded in the physical plane. This conjured energy forms weapons with properties that make them ideal for combating a wide variety of entities, especially those whose existence is based around magic due to the Demonic Armaments tendency to disrupt and dissipate magical energy on contact. As such Demonic Armaments, aside from their namesake are also very potent when it comes to hunting mages and other magic users. Shield type Demonic Armaments possess this anti-magic quality to a much higher degree, allowing them to stop very powerful magic’s. The specific form taken by the Demonic Armaments is dictated purely by the desire of the user, requiring that the user be able to form a clear and stable image in their mind. Beyond that the types of weaponry that can be summoned must follow two strict requirements. Firstly they must have no chemical or complicated mechanical components, as these cannot be formed through energy manipulation alone. Secondly the user must possess enough magic to complete the conjuration. If sufficient magic is lacking the conjuration will fail, usually at the cost of all of the users remaining magic. If the cost greatly exceeds the user’s magic then life energy will also be taken. With this in mind it has become common practise to offer blood in partial payment to reduce the magical burden imposed. Aside from the already mentioned inherent nature of the Demonic Armaments they possess one final quality that is somewhat of a double-edged sword. As conjured weapons their physical existence is maintained by the will of the user. Or more precisely the image that they project in their minds. Because of this the weapons have an unyielding physical appearance. That is to say that its appearance cannot change unless the user wills it so. Because of this the Demonic Armaments do not suffer damage in the conventional sense of the word. To maintain the image the destructive power of any force great enough to ‘damage’ the Demonic Armaments is negated through the sacrifice of sufficient magical energy, thereby negating the damage that would have been done. [i]Known Demonic Armaments [/i] – Swords, Daggers, Knifes, Polearms, Bows, Axes, Hammers, Scythes, Quarterstaffs, Chains and Shields [i]Forbidden Demonic Armaments [/i] – Crossbows, Black-powder weapons, Explosives [b]Lost Weapon[/b] – [i]Artefact of Authority, Aggression[/i] – An object of otherworldly origin that was acquired by The Order centuries past, resembling a clawed metal gauntlet that changes in size to suit the hand of the user. A pact of ownership requiring the user’s blood binds them together, preventing the glove being used by another while the owner still lives. Without the Artefact any summoned weapons are pale imitations of true Demonic Armaments, though they still possess the same inherent qualities, though heavily reduced and limited in form. Lumière is currently limited to the summoning of a longsword and shield only. It should be noted that there are other such Artefacts at large in the world, each hosting similar demon bound magic’s. [i]Artefact of Authority, Protection[/i] – Works along similar lines to that of Aggression, allowing the summoning of the Demonic Armours. [i]Artefact of Authority, Magic[/i] – Allows the bearer to cast powerful Demonic magic, as well as the summoning of high level demonic servants. [i]Artefact of Authority, Power[/i] – Grants the bearer a body possessing demonic qualities, such as enhanced strength, speed, endurance without any inherent demonic weaknesses. Useless on its own this Artefact requires that the bearer also be in possession of one of the other three Artefacts. The effect of the other Artefacts is cumulative, with all three Artefacts granting the most power. [b]Personality:[/b] Lumière was born a member of the nobility and was raised to believe in the purity and superiority of her humanity. Like many in her position she believed fervently in the superiority of her species and in its dominion over the other races. Not that anyone was aware of this as she was polite and if not slightly aloof when it came to the lesser races. Unlike many in her position she was not openly hostile toward those she considered beneath her.Her attitude changed drastically when that same humanity was tainted by the very magic given to her by The Order, leaving her a demon-touched human, one of those same lesser races that she had always looked down on. She has mellowed significantly over time, now possessing a very open-minded perspective of the world. Her demon-touched nature has eroded her sanity over time, causing her to often talk in the third person, as well as an unnatural cheer that can be quite disconcerting. [b]Flaws[/b] [i]Back to the Wall[/i] – For all of her speed and grace Lumière lacks the raw brute strength of many of her compatriots, her attacks carrying far less weight blow for blow. Despite possessing a shield it is used primarily for deflecting magic and other long ranged attacks rather than melee attacks. As such she will suffer greatly if forced onto the defensive, especially if cornered and unable to maintain her mobility. [i]Outsider[/i] – Lumière is now strictly speaking a demon-touched human, a race of mortal that is under the influence of demonic forces. As such she bears the taint of that other world. This means that she can be affected by the same types of magic and rituals used to banish and injure demons and their ilk. As she is not a full demon she cannot be banished, however such rituals still inflict a great deal of pain and unpleasantness. [b]Background:[/b] The Artefacts of Authority, numbering four in all are links to the demonic planes of existence, conduits as it were that allow their wearers to draw power directly from this otherworldly source. Once conjured into the physical plane these energies can be manipulated so as to invoke specific abilities, each unique to its corresponding Artefact. As to the origin of these Artefacts none can say for certain. Some believe they are relics from a time when magic was wild and uncontrolled, created by those who wished to shackle the very demons themselves. Others would claim the opposite, that the Artefacts were created for the express purpose of combating the very fiends that reside within these planes, using their own power against them. Whatever the ultimate truth the reality is that for many generations The Order has made use of those Artefacts that it possesses for the betterment of mankind. At least that was what Lumière believed. Like all knights Lumière was taught to use magic upon joining The Order, aided by specially designed weapons that strengthen and reinforce magic, granting greater control over their power. In Lumière's case she began as a simple conjurer, learning to create simple shapes from magical energy, aided by a dagger that acted as the core of any such manifestation. In line with such an adaptable magic Lumiere acted as an agent for The Order, a gatherer of information who spent a great deal of her time in foreign lands protecting the interests of the kingdom. Specifically those related to magic. Even more specifically the use of magic outside of the watchful eye of The Order. Though these knights had no official title they were often referred to as ‘Witch Hunters’. Upon attaining the rank of Knight Guardian Lumière was given the opportunity to gain access to a far more power variation on her magic. The Demonic Armaments. Lumiere, along with other suitable candidates took part in a ritual designed to bind the Artefacts of Authority to their new master, a ritual that was bound in blood. Through their blood the Artefact would determine those with the will and potential to wield it, denying those who could not. It was a moment that was to change her fate, in more ways than she could possibly imagine. First came the voices, then the visions of the other side and finally the loss of her purity as a human. The Artefact had changed her. It forced her to change the way that she saw the world. It was darker now, grittier, things that she had always taken for granted to be good and virtuous now lacked that clarity. For a time she suffered with uncertainty. Revival and its founder gave her direction and purpose again. And in that final battle she lost more than just her Artefact, she lost a friend. In the aftermath of Revivals defeat Lumière was forced to flee the kingdom along with a great many other survivors, pursued by The Order with unrelenting determination. Pursued by her former comrades Lumière had no choice but to fight back, even without her Demonic Armaments. But to do that she first had to survive. To that end she disappeared into the wilderness, reinventing herself as the so-called ‘Witch Hunter’, a mercenary of sorts who specialized in hunting down rogue and dangerous magical elements.