[center][i]"I wish you well in life. Please, if you can, live as I could not."[/i] [hider=Appearance] A heart shaped face with high, pronounced cheek bones and a pointed nose and pale pink lips. Long straight black hair that extends past her hips, large almond-shaped, deep green eyes and thin long eyebrows with long eyelashes. Soft and smooth looking pale white skin, wide hips, long legs and a large chest. Her build is neither too large or too small, and her height is 175[sup]cm[/sup] (5[sup]ft[/sup]9[sup]in[/sup]). Overall, an overdone beauty that even vampires find hurts to look at directly; the very kind of beauty that leaves men insane and women questioning the fairness of whatever God they believe in - it is for this reason that she constantly covers her appearance with a cloak and hood.[/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Aria Giselle [b]Age:[/b] [i][sub]Apparent || 20-ish[/sub] [sup]True || 130[/sup][/i] [b]Sex:[/b] [i]Female[/i] [b]Sexual Preference:[/b] [i]Asexual[/i] [i][b]Vampire[/b]/Human/Slayer[/i] [i]Pure Blood/Aristocrat/[b]Turned[/b][/i] [b]Family:[/b] [i]N/A[/i] [b]Significant Other:[/b] [i]N/A[/i] [b]Gifts:[/b] [i]Blood Purification[/i] - An ability inherent in her own blood; it strengthens the blood of whatever species drinks from her own. No matter what species partakes in drinking her blood, it will undoubtedly become stronger, faster, more mentally adept, etc. The more blood is taken, the more pronounced the effect is. If whatever drinks from her blood has an ability to speak of, said ability will also become stronger or easier to use. [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet and unassuming. Aria does her best to be as unnoticed as possible. Aria is scared of the world and were it not for her strong desire to live, she would have sooner ended her life. She has a low opinion of herself and constantly doubts her own actions, both attributes are simply symptoms of an even worse mental trauma: Survivors guilt. Aria does not trust people easily, and once she does, she is still not completely open with them. Her survivors guilt also makes it so that she is way to forgiving of other people. She is a deep and profound thinker, almost philosopher like even. She is able to look at matters from different perspectives and formulate responses based on her own insights. In terms of lateral thinking, she is a definite genius. Unfortunately, her genius is hampered by her fear and own self-loathing. Despite her fear of the world, she also genuinely loves people - or, to be more specific, she loves life in general; this creates a fragile mental state, due to the fact that she both fears the world but is also gentle to its denizens, the ones she is afraid of in the first place. [b]Biography:[/b] Aria was born in a relatively normal family in what was formerly the Ottoman Empire. Despite her relatively normal background, Aria herself was anything [i]but[/i] - she was smart, mature for her age, and above all, painfully, painfully beautiful. Since the moment she turned three, it became apparent that she would be among the once in a lifetime beauties. As for Aria herself, she never really cared much about her own looks. She much preferred to be in the company of her family and friends. Personal relations were much more important to her in comparison to the admiration of people she didn't even know. Her comparatively humble attitude mixed with her otherworldly looks made her even more admired, and her fame rapidly grew. Unfortunately, it was the same beauty that she was widely famed for that would lead to the single greatest tragedy of her life, as well as her turning into a vampire. When she was around twenty years old, tell of her fame reached the ears of the creatures that hid in the dark. One such vampire went to confirm the rumors, expecting a pleasant target to satisfy his urges at best, and a free meal at worst. What he found was neither. What he found, instead, was an object to instill a deep, black passion in him. It a terrifying insanity caused by simply observing her. He loved her, but he also wanted to possess her. He hated her, for making a being such as him feel these painful emotions, but at the same time could not find any fault in her. Nights came and went, and the more he watched her, the more his desire and insanity grew. Mortal men had similar feelings as him when it came to Aria, but theirs was not so pronounced because of the sole fact that they were not vampire. They new that Aria's beauty would fade eventually, and as all things did, that once in a lifetime beauty would fade - this logic did not apply to the vampire. He knew he could preserve her, keep her insanely and intensely beautiful for eternity. He knew that he could keep her forever. The days following the Ottoman Empire's involvement the front-lines of World War One, Aria's village was attacked, and evacuation was a low-priority. The vampire saw this as his chance and in the chaos that was the aftermath of the battle, forced her to drink his blood and killed her. It was not a slow death, nor was it a painless transformation. Unfortunately for the vampire, he was not about to keep his prize. He lost the body of Aria during a bombing raid. The months afterwards were the most harrowing and horrifying times of Aria's un-life. The feeling of lusting for blood, to rip out hearts and drink from them rage through her head constantly, and it was only thanks to the overabundance of recently dead bodies that prevented Aria from taking a life for herself. Currently, Aria is trying to hide herself away, which is slowly becoming more and more difficult with the adventbof he twentieth century [b]Extras:[/b] Only takes from recently deceased bodies (only if it's been dead for a single day, however) [/center] [hr] [center][i]"Vampires are strange, wonderful, powerful existence. Treat that existence with respect, but never worship it. Never worship anything that dies, or someday you'll find yourself lost."[/i] [hider=Appearance]Old, but large. His wrinkled and bearded face does not match his muscular body, and moreover, both are littered with scars. He has graying eyes and receding, unkempt hair, which he tries to fix constantly but to no avail. Mario has large but nimble hands. He wears a silver ring on each hand, and a golden watch on his right.[/hider] [h2]|| [i]Mario Maverip[/i] ||[/h2][hr] [b]Age:[/b] [i]64[/i] [b]Sex:[/b] [i]Male[/i] [b]Sexual Preference:[/b] [i]Heterosexual (Moot point, however, as he is too old to be thinking about such things)[/i] Vampire/[b]Human[/b]/Slayer [b]Family:[/b] [i]N/A[/i] [b]Significant Other:[/b] [i]N/A[/i] [b]Personality[/b] Cool, taciturn, and unerringly polite. Mario never blows his steam or shows rudeness intentionally no matter who he is addressing. He is a deep planner, thinking moves and steps ahead of time, and even then, he has the ability to think of new tactics on the fly. He is a lateral thinker, not locked down to any single train of thought, and has an extremely flexible mind. Above all that, however, is his inability to fear death. For a human hunter, he is surprisingly merciful and has even spared vampires he has hunted. Mario considers 'teaching vampires a lesson' to be more important than 'exterminating' them. Mario is never antagonistic in the sense that he has never once considered anyone to be his enemy, or even hated anyone enough to be treated as such. Mario has a strange and powerful sense of curiosity. Once a question gets into his head, he stops at nothing to look for answers. In the same way, once he has encountered a problem, he will do anything to find a solution for it, out of academic curiosity if anything else. The strange serenity that Mario exhibits is also unnerving for most people, vampire or not - it makes it feel as though he is altogether invincible, or at least, that everything is going according to some unseen plan of his. [b]Biography:[/b] Mario had a normal background for someone who was related to vampires. He came from a farming family from Kansas, and there was nothing outwardly unusual about him except for his quick wit and his mind that was structured like a foggy maze. Still, that wasn't incredibly rare or unusual when you looked at the grand scheme of things. What set him aside from normal people, was his sharp and dangerous desire to kill. His instincts were sharp and seemed tailor made for killing live creatures - he could determine the best and most efficient way for something to die. Mario discovered said instinct while trying to kill a chicken for dinner; the frustration of taking so long to kill that single creature lead him to think of quicker, more efficient ways to get the job done. Eventually, those thoughts spread out to more than just poultry - it eventually began to include horses, cows, dogs, sheep and finally, humans. Still, despite his homicidal urges, he was ultimately a man of morals, and so never indulged in his urges . . . until a certain encounter changed that. [list][b]Extras:[/b] [*] Has large arsenal stores scattered here and there with no distinct pattern, some of which are even disguised as merchandise for legitimate businesses. [*] His [i]recorded[/i] number of direct (vampire) kills total at a terrifying 103 - rumors suggest that the [i]actual[/i] number is much higher than that. [*] Despite his relative infamy in the world of vampires, his face isn't widely known, mostly due to the fact that the only people who survive his hunts are people that he [i]wants[/i] to survive. [/list] [/center]