[center][h2]Simon Brewer - Lone Star[/h2]

[b]Name:[/b] Simon Brewer

[b]Race:[/b] Human

[b]Appearance:[/b] Simon stands 6' 1" tall, weighing in at a paltry 165 pounds. His physique is that of a lean, muscled man, not much weight on him but he's fit enough for his duties. With a head of messy blonde hair and brown eyes, freckles and a slightly crooked nose, he isn't a real looker either, all in all putting out an image of your average everyday human male.

[b]Personality:[/b] Simon is one of those people that sticks out his neck for his friends. Very humble, helpful and caring for those under him, he regularly makes himself out to be one of those guys that is liked by everyone in the workplace, even though he's mostly silent. He communicates his happiness or pleasure the most with his bright smiles and cheerful demeanour, even if he says little. More often than not, his actions convey his feelings more than his words do. He is also slow to anger, and takes criticism with a level head and optimism to soften harsh words or gestures. He is also often referred to as a mediator or a counsellor, in part due to these tendencies of his.

[b]Class:[/b] Medical Officer

[b]Class[/b] - Field and General Medicine
[b]Class[/b] - Combat Surgery

[b]General[/b] - Electronics

[b]Combat[/b] - Marksmanship

[b]Non-standard Abilities:[/b] N/A

[hider=PharmCo Corporis Reactive Plate][img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/3690a7171b6cbf8a9158eea42136f180/tumblr_msvigvK3bK1qm81mro3_r1_500.jpg[/img][/hider]
[indent]This set of lightweight, high strength, flexible plas-steel armour is the latest in PharmCo's line of military-grade medical gear. It comes in built with multiple sensors on the gloves to detect a casualty's pulse, breathing rate and blood pressure, along with a small array of miniature x-ray beams that transmit a direct image of the  skeletal or organ structure of the casualty to the user's helmet visor. The armour also monitors ambient weather conditions like oxygen, pressure levels, temperature, harmful gases and radiological or biological hazards in the vicinity of the user. Finally, rounding out the armour's sensory capabilities, it also monitors the user's own vital signs, displaying injuries where they are sustained on the body. Its crisp, white design also comes with a red cross on the left breastplate and on the shoulder pauldrons, not depicted in the picture due to the above being a representation before final painting.[/indent]

[b]PharmCo Full Surgical Field Assembly[/b]
[indent]One of PharmCo's finest inventions, the FSFA is a set of armour rigging and webbing that is designed to fit over any of the company's many lines of combat armour. The rigging is specially made for field doctors or surgeons, and contains a myriad of sleeves and pouches designed to hold medical equipment designed by PharmCo, or otherwise. These include the AMSD, the LASC, and a wide array of other medical devices, such as medigel tubes, morphine syrettes, disinfectant sprays and other related equipment. Simon's rig comes fitted with the following:[/indent][list]
[*]5 x PharmCo MediGel Tubes (Instructions: twist open top, squeeze contents liberally onto wound) - These small, palm-sized tubes are full of PharmCo's proprietary MediGel, a non-toxic gelatin-based healing agent that speeds up cellular growth and regeneration, and prevents profuse bleeding. Its method of action is, after application, the cold gel rapidly warms from body heat and melts, turning into a liquid that diffuses and is absorbed quickly into the body. Once there, haematostatic agents within the liquid act quickly on open blood vessels, causing clotting and preventing any further bleeding, while regrowth agents activate and superspeed the body's ability to heal, quickly sealing any small or medium-sized wounds. The gel is quick-acting, and are normally used in the field by combat medics to stabilise casualties with small to medium-sized wounds. Larger wounds, however, will require more stabilisation than just gel and morphine. Designed by PharmCo to be effective on any form of biological tissue, human or alien!
[*]5 x PharmCo Quick-use Syrettes (Instructions: pop top with thumb, insert needle end into exposed flesh, wait five to ten seconds, remove and dispose) - These syrettes are filled with numbing morphine, and are made from a special 3D-printer and refiller within his armour's chest plate. He can only carry five at a time and the amount of spare morphine he carries is limited to another ten syrettes.
[*]1 x PharmCo Disinfectant Aerosol Canister (Instructions: pop top, shake well, spray on area to be treated) - Also known as a simple disinfectant spray, this hand-sized spray canister contains a specialised liquid that, upon being aerosolised, is capable of removing 99.9% of bacterial or viral agents in a specified area. It also contains a moderate amount of a topical anesthetic that numbs an area in preparation for treatment.
[*]1 x PharmCo Malleable Splint - A mid-sized device, this roll of malleable, high-strength plas-steel is made for casualties with broken limbs. Once removed from its plastic seal, the splint can be unrolled and then formed precisely according to the limb that is injured. Once formed, the material will stay solid and stiff while the casualty is being transported, and is easily cut open or removed upon reaching a field hospital or surgical suite.

[b]PharmCo Laser-Assisted Surgical Cutter[/b]
[indent]Everything it says on the tin, the LASC is a glorified laser cutter, small in size so that it fits within one of his kit's recesses. The LASC operates on the basic principle that doctors or medics in the field need quick and easy access to wounded soldiers' flesh, and PharmCo's solution was a high-powered laser cutter that could easily eat through the layers of adaptive armour and webbing that comprised a regular Terran soldier's gear, yet was safe enough to use without cutting the casualty underneath. Their solution was a high-strength, low-intensity laser that merely heated flesh to a slightly uncomfortable level, but was strong enough to penetrate multiple layers of armour and clothing with ease. All this was packed into a neat pen-sized device that is able to be carried anywhere feasible on the body.[/indent]

[b]PharmCo Adaptive Medical Solution Device[/b]
[indent]Unlike what its elaborate name suggests, the AMSD is essentially a medigun. Developed by PharmCo's experimental research division, the AMSD, or Amsad as it's affectionately called by the staff, is a hybrid between a battle rifle and an all-purpose field medical apparatus. In its battle rifle form, it fires slugs made of superheated steel shorn from a single rectangular magazine within its grip through the use of magnets powered and operated by an onboard computer system, making it an effective railgun. Its medical uses are far more diverse, as apart from being able to preserve the life of its user through rapid application of molten metal into potential aggressors, it is also able to be loaded with alternative ammunition, by way of overriding the main barrel's load with an external feed. These are:[/indent][list]
[*]Painkiller Rounds - These special capsule rounds are designed to be fired at allied targets. When they burst on impact with a solid surface, say armour, the pressurised liquid painkillers within aerosolise and disperse into a cloud that a soldier can inhale to suppress his pain and keep on functioning as long as it takes for a medic to reach him.
[*]Morphine Syrettes - If the medical officer or orderly on hand does not have the time to reach for a syrette from his back pouch, he can instead load a syrette that's already attached onto the gun's side into the rifle's breech on the top of the assembly. Once done, the gun's onboard computer system detects that it is firing syringes, and will lower its power output significantly to reduce injury. Pulling the trigger will apply the syrette similar to an injection gun, and the syrette is easily removed by simply pulling the gun barrel away from the patient's flesh. Of course, if the gun's safety system is overridden, it can and will fire a syrette at railgun speeds with deadly accuracy, though it's not designed to. Each AMSD comes pre-fitted with two syrettes on either side of the gun assembly.
[*]Surgical Staples - Just like the syrettes, each AMSD comes pre-fitted with a double load of superstrength alloy staples, on either sides of the gun in small, disposable loader magazines. When a load of staples are pushed into the rifle barrel, its computer detects the wanted function and lowers its power levels to make it function as an overly large staple gun. Once this is done, the AMSD can be used to quickly close gaping wounds, similar to a modern medical staple gun. And, just like the above mentioned, if the safety system is overridden, the AMSD will fire its staples with deadly force, though it's not designed to.
[*]MediGel - The only load for the AMSD that is not dangerous when fired, MediGel is able to be loaded within the AMSD and applied over a longer surface, much like how a glue gun works. The rifle's barrel is more suited for insertion into slightly gaping wounds, thus allowing the medical officer or orderly to apply gel to deeper wounds, thus stimulating healing from the inside out and enabling him to quickly treat a casualty with moderately serious wounds.

[b]Bio:[/b] Simon Brewer is a surgeon and combat doctor, human of course, but not born on Earth. Instead, he came to be on a colony on Mars, and his interest in medicine was piqued due to his family's attachment to the colony's lone clinic and surgical suite. From an early age he was attracted to the study of biology, the human body, what makes it tick and so on, and his parents were happy to help him in his studies. After high school they enrolled him into medical school back on Earth, specifically in New Boston, after which he graduated as an assistant medical orderly. Shortly thereafter, he furthered his career in medicine and became a full-fledged doctor, specialising in reconstructive surgery, before returning to his home on Mars to work at the family clinic.

It wasn't long before Simon's talents were found by PharmCo. The roving military medical company's talent scouts approached Simon with a proposition: work at one of the most prestigious medical firms in the galaxy, and in return have the opportunity to explore the furthest reaches of space in their everpresent attempts to understand alien biology and to deepen their studies of medicine in both human and alien physiologies. His interest highly piqued, he signed on, and after three months of preparatory training, he was shipped from Mars to one of PharmCo's largest life ships, the PCLS Nightingale. Once there, he was given a lab for his own use and he joined the Nightingale's research staff as one of the doctors en suite. With the PharmCo staff, he looked into the effects of their proprietary products, like MediGel, on both human and alien test subjects, as well as helping them test various sets of equipment meant for their military wing.

Soon it dawned upon him that PharmCo, as ambitious as they were, were a primarily military company in structure, as most of their inventions went to the Terran Federation military, for use in battlefield scenarios in the hands of field medics and surgeons. And, by that time, Simon had grown bored of the ship life. Tempted by the prospects, he approached his superiors with a request: have him be a field tester for their medical military gear and technology. The job came with high risks - death obviously being one of them, injury being another, getting shot at being a third - but the perks were higher; he'd get to visit more alien worlds, use the gear provided by the company, along with a larger risk pay packet and hefty bonuses for putting his life on the line in the name of medicine. He agreed on the spot. A new contract was signed and two weeks later Simon was on his very first deployment as a medical officer attached to a Federation Navy vessel, where he underwent rigorous physical training to meet the military's standards.

His first deployment is to the Lone Star, where he was to assess the vessel's safety, along with assuring the safety of his squad and keeping them in tip top shape. However, the details of who he was going with were sketchy, nonexistent at times, and though he isn't really looking forward to working with unknowns, he keeps his chin up, in the hopes that this first mission will be a success.

[b]Quote:[/b] "Stay still, I'm trying to help you. Just keep calm, relax. You're safe."[/center]