*robotic voice* PUNY HUMAN. YOUR TIME IS NIGH.
Yes, my time. My time to break into the world's largest chocolate vault and eat all of it, then all the chocolate in the world!!! Bwahaha! Or maybe to reveal to the world that I'm a dragon and all humans should respect me! Bwahahahahahahaha!
I'm expermenting with a "Community Post" category on my blog. I want to create somewhere where followers of the blog can write stuff and post it if they do not have their own blog. If you guys have anything, feel free to put it there. If you've published it somewhere else as well, you can provide a link to the original. It must just be you who wrote it.
Do you guys think I should add a forum feature? It won't be used for roleplays, that's better left for sites with massive communities like this one, but it could be used for other stuff. XD