[i][b]"Safety has its price. I'm willing to pay it."[/b][/i] [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs48/f/2009/205/e/d/Hot_anime_guy_2_by_animeAnimeANMIE.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Ian "Sunshine" Gilder [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Sexual Preference:[/b] Bisexual Vampire/[b]Human[/b]/Slayer [b]Family:[/b] Estranged (Donates to Juran) [b]Significant Other[/b] -None- [b]Gifts[/b] - [u]Dancer's Grace:[/u] While Ian isn't a true vampire, he has an understanding of his own body and its capabilities that would surprise a vampire. Ian moves on stage and off with a cat's surety of footing and a ballet dancer's skill. [b]Personality[/b] Ian will be the life of the party but very rarely talks about himself if he can help it. His captivity at the hands of Charles has left him scarred and guarded. He behaves in a very closed manner to strangers but demonstrates unwavering loyalty to the Royal Line. [b]Biography[/b] Ian Gilder does not share his past to strangers. The Royal Line knows a few facts about him due to careful digging, however. He arrived in New York at the age of 15, speaking with a Midwest accent and living with an aunt in Brooklyn. He attended High School and excelled in dance and the arts, failing the sciences, and was interviewed four times by a district social worker. After graduating, Ian left his Aunt's and took up a few menial jobs in the service industry, working for minimum wage to save for college, his eyes set on Broadway. He found the task monumental and hopeless after six months. He did take up a job at a strip club in Greenwich Village which brought in plenty of money in tips, but also brought Ian to the attention of another vampire: Charles Delans. Charles was a Turned vampire on the run from the Royal Line for petty theft of his sire's jewelry, and the need for a constant blood source was hindering his efforts to keep one step ahead of hunters and the aristocracy. Charles entranced Ian, brought him back to his hideaway- a two room complex on the West Side, and began to suck Ian dry over the course of three months. Ian was a willing slave by the time a pack of slayers burst through the front door, even as they found him handcuffed to a wall and with a line of bite marks down his arm, emaciated and bruised like a meth junkie. The hunters were unsure whether or not to unleash Ian- no one could tell if he was on the cusp of changing or if Charles hadn't tried to turn Ian. Ultimately they decided that it would be best to leave him for several days- if he was human when they returned, then Ian could be counted on as one of their own. Fortunately for Ian, a pair of vampire enforcers weren't far behind the slayers, and they were willing to unlock Ian. At court he was cleaned up, cared for, and questioned on the activities of Charles and his brood. At every stage and with every question, Ian cooperated to the best of his ability and memory. At the end, Ian was also offered the choice to continue on as a blood donor for the Royal Line. He would continue his work as a dancer if he so chose (he did) and could move to a nearby apartment under the family's patronage. In exchange, Ian would make himself available at all hours of the day for feeding and would take rudimentary self-defense courses. Ian signed on the dotted line and hasn't looked back since. [b]Extras[/b] Ian will not open up to interactions with strangers. Your character will need to have a history with him in order to get anywhere socially. Feel free to make up a story IC or PM me with thoughts about how the two might know each other.