[b]"We should be splitting up in groups."[/b] He said, he may as well tell them the plan while they were changing equipment. [b]"I figured out three ways we could probably find the cafe."[/b] It'd taken him an hour or so to find some ways, and a little bit of figuring out for the others. [b]"Firstly, I wanted Erezin to search for the place from the air, and I wanted Katherine to use her dolls to try and find it in the places that can't be seen from the air."[/b] He said. [b]"Katherine's not here right now, but you can fill her in when she does come."[/b] He said to Erezin. [b]"Also, Koumi, you can go with them if you want to."[/b] Next was the NPC team. [b]"I wanted Bonum and Nacht to go talk to NPCs and try and find the source of the rumours."[/b] He turned to Bonum and said, [b]"Since you've got some pretty high Charisma, NPCs will talk to you more easily."[/b] Then he turned to Nacht, [b]"You're also good with NPCs, so I'm sending you along for that as well."[/b] Lastly was the Bard team. [b]"Momo, you're with me. The Bard who found the cafe had a journal, but he's dead now and the guy who has it is only going to give it to a good bard."[/b] He finished. [b]"I don't really have anything for you to do though,"[/b] He said to Grayliks, [b]"I just thought you'd be fun to have around. I didn't really have anything for Food-kun either..."[/b]