((Anyone worried about approval of this content, don't worry! I have GM approval!)) ------------- [color=00a99d]"Here it is..."[/color] Food-kun said, standing in front of a cave entrance. It was a pretty basic dungeon, one known to many players, yet it didn't attract many people. The monsters were moderately tough, but they didn't drop much. It was, however, odd that the cave seemed to house many different kinds of monsters from the area, and was hence dubbed 'The Chimera Dungeon'. The monsters inside were only moderately tough, and they dropped a decent amount of change but seemed to have a lower chance of dropping items. The Chimera Dungeon lacked the bigger monsters, like dragons and giants, so it wasn't a dungeon frequented by high-level users. However, low-leveled players might find it tough. Amidst the foxes, wolves and deer, there might be the odd minotaur that would show up and completely ruin their day. Food-kun strode in, as he had been doing in recent days. He strode through the dark halls, ignoring the small monsters, which ran away from him. He also ignored the relatively big monsters, hidden in the darkness, which also ran away from him. Almost no monster would willingly go near Food-kun because of his magnificent fighting spirit and fearsome reputation amongst monsters. He strode calmly through the dark cave, ignoring all the monsters. They almost tripped over themselves running away from him if he walked closer, but he never tried to touch them. A group of mid-level users were challenging the dungeon. They were fighting monsters in a stone chamber. But they were surprised when the monsters they’d been fighting so hard (2 ogres that came out of nowhere) suddenly stopped in fear and sprinted in the other direction. As the party were confused, Food-kun sat in the darkness behind the doorway, wondering where he was going. He soon realised that he’d made a wrong turn at the last fork and turned around. The ogres, detecting his presence disappearing, reappeared to continue fighting. However, Food-kun’s hand flicked out behind him, launching deadly projectiles. As the ogres roared a new challenge, his wooden skewers shot through the ogres and embedded themselves into the stone wall behind the monsters. The ogres’ health bars fell to 0 from 65%. As the party milled about in confusion, Food-kun navigated the dark passages silently. ------------------------------------------- [color=00a99d]"Oh, I'm here."[/color] Food-kun said. He put down the map he’d been reading and stopped. In front of him was what appeared to be the remains of a rock slide, but Food-kun knew better. There was an illusionary wall at the side, and a completely dark passageway. He went in without hesitation and navigated the dark tunnels. Soon, light could be seen, and Food-kun emerged in a grassy clearing. He was in a large, circular cavern that had a large hole in the top, which let sunlight in. The cavern floor was mainly grass, with a small ponds here and there and little copse of trees at the edge of the cavern. It was about as big as the property of a rich guy where he puts his mansion, or maybe a bit smaller than a rich guy’s personal golf course. [s]Damn rich people[/s]. Around the middle of the cavern, there was a shabby looking wooden construct with an ornate but old wooden sign, which read ‘Monster Café’. It was surrounded by large tree stumps, around which small stools were placed. The ‘wooden construct’ was technically a building, but it was rather shabby. Shabby would be a light word for it. It was like the construction was done by the hands of slimes, and it actually was. As Food-kun walked to the ‘building’, shaped emerged from the woodwork. Slimes! Soft and squishy, they were low levelled-mobs. There were higher-levelled slimes, of course. They were often huge and had interesting shapes. However, these were relatively small, about the size of a deer. Furthermore, they had no form and were basic colours. They were simply purple and orange slimes. Clearly they were low-level monsters. Food-kun could make any low-level monster faint by staring at it for too long, but these didn’t. Food-kun didn’t want to harm them, after all. He had a reason for coming here. [color=purple]"Blup blup. Look, chef is back!"[/color] The purple slime said. [color=orange]"Yay!"[/color] The orange one cheered. [color=00a99d]"I swear, this place just keeps getting better and better."[/color] Food-kun sighed. The derelict café was pretty bad when he first found it, but every day he came back it seemed to get a little worse. Maybe that was just the passive corrosive properties of the slimes, or maybe it was just because it was old. The slimes were stupid, and things were constantly breaking. [color=purple]"Thank you!"[/color] The purple slime said happily, not getting Food-kun’s obvious sarcasm. [color=00a99d]"Nevermind…"[/color] Food-kun muttered quietly, opening his bag. He deposited a bunch of wood, as well as carpentry tools. [color=orange]"Food-kun, what’s that for?"[/color] The orange slime asked. [color=00a99d]"Just watch."[/color] Food-kun said. He began to renovate the small shack. Food-kun didn’t have the carpentry skill, but pretty much anything would be better than what they had now. Besides, his exceptional handiwork, dexterity and strength made it easier and faster. After around 20 minutes, he’d run out of wood. Now the shabby wooden construct was a pretty damn good lemonade stand. At least it made for a decent shop front. It was all straight now, and it had a certain sheen to it, but there wasn’t too much artistic quality in it. He didn’t have the sculpturing skill or the carpentry skill, after all. It was built quickly and it was structurally sound, but it lacked art. Nevertheless, it was a lot better than it was before. [color=Purple]"Wow!"[/color] The purple slime exclaimed. [color=orange]"It’s so beautiful…"[/color] The orange slime said, sniffing. Certainly, it was basic, but it was practically sparkling. Food-kun was doing the finishing touches when a black slime appeared from inside. [color=black]"Huuah, hum."[/color] The black slime said, yawning. [color=black]"What’s this?"[/color] [color=00a99d]"Morning."[/color] Food-kun said in greeting. [color=black]"Oh, Food-kun!"[/color] The slime said happily. [color=black]"Thanks for coming, I’ll go make you some coffee. Blup blup."[/color] Food-kun looked after the black slime as it left to make the coffee. He was rather conflicted about it, really. He had never tasted better coffee, and he would’ve drunk it at every opportunity, if he didn’t know where it came from. In fact, it was that very coffee which made him work with the slimes in the monster café. ---------------------------------------------- Food-kun had been exploring the Chimera Dungeon by himself. Eventually, he’d found the rubble. He was about to bust it down when he found the illusionary wall. He went through it and found the clearing. There’d been a group of monsters in the middle, but he didn’t know what they were doing. As he approached, the monsters all growled at him, but once he entered combat, they all ran away. Food-kun was exploring the old building but there was a cup of nice-smelling coffee left on one of the stumps. Food-kun took it and drank it. He didn’t know what to expect, but he didn’t expect it to be good. [color=00a99d]"This is really tasty."[/color] He’d said. [color=black]"Re-really?"[/color] The black slime had said nervously. [color=00a99d]"Yup."[/color] Food-kun said, draining the cup. [color=purple]"The scary human liked it!"[/color] The purple slime said, emerging from behind the counter. [color=orange]"Say…[/color] The orange slime said cautiously, also emerging from the counter. [color=orange]"You’re a chef, right? Could you help us?"[/color] [quote] [b]Quest has been created![/b] [u]Help the monster café[/u] The monster café was once a neat and peaceful place of refuge for monsters to have their cup of coffee and eat meals. However, over time it has degraded into a shadow of its former self. For the sake of the monster café, the slime owners have asked the help of a renowned human chef. [b]Rewards:[/b] - Cooking experience - Secret monster café recipes - Fame amongst monsters - Friendship with the slimes [b][i]Do you accept?[/i][/b] [/quote] [color=00a99d]"...I’ll help you."[/color] Food-kun said after a pause. -------------------------------------- [color=00a99d]"Done."[/color] Victor said, wiping his forehead. He had just finished re-furnishing the kitchen. Wood was a safety hazard, so he used the stone he brought instead. He put tiles on the floor and cemented (whatever passed for cementing, anyway) them together. He also got a better stove and oven, and he replaced the derelict cupboards with some new ones. He stocked the pantries with food from his own inventory and it was just about ready to go. Lastly, he installed the sink which he bought. [color=Black]"Looks great! Blup blup."[/color] The black slime said, entering the new kitchen. [color=00a99d]"Here’s the coffee!"[/color] The black slime held up a neat white cup full of steaming black fluid in its hands (kinda). Food-kun hesitated slightly before taking it. He took a small sip and the flavour seeped into his mouth. [color=00a99d]"Thanks."[/color] Food-kun said. [color=black]"Glad you like it! Blup."[/color] The black slime said happily. Despite where it came from, it was still good coffee. Possibly the best coffee. But Food-kun could make it better. [color=00a99d]"You got more ingredients?"[/color] Food-kun asked. [color=black]"Yup! Big bag! Blup blup."[/color] The black slime said, holding up a sack labelled ‘coffee’. [color=00a99d]"Alright, good."[/color] Food-kun said, stretching. [color=Orange]"They’re coming!"[/color] The orange slime yelled from outside. Food-kun drew his kitchen knife and prepared a chopping board. He took the bag and put it on the counter. The slimes tensed as a large crowd of monsters came in from the holes in the walls. Food-kun got ready to cook and the purple slime flipped the sign on the store front from closed to open. [color=00a99d]"Time to get cooking."[/color] Food-kun said, grinning.