[center] [color=bc8dbf][i]“Vampires are so much like they were when I was a child. . . “[/i][/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/47/a3/58/47a358a83008e5ddaae3b4ef0289ca21.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b] Cecily Markov [b]Age[/b] 1349 [b]Sex[/b] Female [b]Sexual Preference[/b] Asexual – Heteroromantic [b]Vampire[/b]/Human/Slayer Pure Blood/Aristocrat/[b]Turned[/b] [b]House[/b] Ward of Archantun [b]Family[/b] Klyal Markov – Descendant of her daughter Melisandre Loncanta – Daughter with Leon – Pure Blood Vampire [b]Significant Other[/b] Leon Locanta – First friend, then partner, then husband and lover [u][b]Gifts[/b][/u] [u]Vitality[/u] -Her blood has the ability to heal almost any wound if drank by the injured, as well as her tears and touch. A kiss can bring the recently dead – as in less than five minutes ago- back to life in a slightly less injured state than they had been before. The damage to the body cannot exceed that which a living person could heal from, so a squashed brain or missing heart won’t work. She cannot heal herself with his ability though- [u]Daywalker[/u] -Considered by some to be a genetic anomaly by some, and the greatest display of power by others, Cecily is a Daywalker naturally. After being Turned she was discovered to have an immunity to the sunlight’s harmful rays- [b]Personality[/b] Motherly, Kind and Understanding Cecily has always been one to listen and understand another rather than make assumptions without cause, as well as assist those who need it without hesitation. She put others before herself more often than not and often endangers herself in doing so though if she saves someone in the process she generally does not care for the risks to her person. Modest, Quiet and Shy This young woman and aging vampire has always had a hard time accepting compliments, always either ending up fumbling over her words like an idiot or blushed madly though that does not mean she doesn’t enjoy the attention – especially when it comes from someone she likes. On the other hand she does not view herself as very beautiful, having come from a humble background she has not yet come to the idea that she is appealing or anything more than that simply commoner girl. She rarely speaks first as well, with anyone apart from the Archantun and Loncata, as she often enjoys watching more than interacting with others. [u][b]Biography[/b][/u] Cecily was born in Venice, Italy, to a pair of commoners, though they were not those who lived in poverty. When she was young she often found herself walking up to strangers and talking to them without fear, for the small water bound city was often friendly and sweet during the day. She met her best friend this way, a young man of a better bloodline and they quickly began playing together every day. The two would meet when their parents gathered during the evening – Cecily’s mother was a midwife and her father an apothecary and the two often met with noble families in regards to medicine and childbirth – though in regards of them the adults had become more friends than business partners, much like their children. It continued for several years though when Cecily began to really grow into her womanhood she couldn’t play with the young man as she had before and instead her parents began looking for a suitable match for her. She was a beautiful young woman, with hair that was soft and straight, a sweet brown with strands of blond and black and red mixed into it. Her big eyes attracted the attention of many boys her age and class, most of them businessmen’s sons or fisherman, as well as a few men from the Italian navy. Even one pirate had shown interest in her while he was at port and she was buying flowers for her mother’s birthday. When the girl was sixteen, in 1436, she was wed to a wealthy man who had recently become a young lord after his fathers’ death – tragic, yes but not entirely an accident – and became the lady of a large estate on an island just off the coast of Venice. She hadn’t seen her friend since before the betrothal was officially announced and she had had to tell him that she would be going away for a while. She sent him letters from that island to him, talking about how it was to live there and what the manse looked like. She never received a reply, not until the year of 1438 when she told him that she was pregnant with her lord husbands’ child. She was due late in that year and it was the one letter she had gotten back from him, a reply to all of her letters beforehand and the announcement that he would visit after the child was born. She gave birth early the following year and her friend – his name being Prince Leon Locanta – came to visit her finally and meet her new daughter. That was the last time she saw him for several years, though the death of her husband – again tragic, but very much an accident at sea during a storm – brought him back to her with her parents. This was in 1441 when the girl was only twenty-and-one. They came to see she was alright, and though she had loved the man greatly it was easier to bare the loss with her parents and her dear friend with her. The three had spent half a year together when Leon came to her in the library late at night one day, drawn and tired for the first time since she had met him and she could tell he hadn’t slept much the last few days. [i]“Cecily. . . “[/i] He whispered her name, his eyes focusing on her with such an intent look that she was held in place by the brilliant blue of his eyes finding her in the dark and seemed to glow as he moved toward her. The young woman put down her book and looked at him, concern in the furrow of her brow and she held out a hand to him, for him to take so she could guide him to the seat beside her. The last thing she had expected was to end up with her back on the window bench and the man leaning over her, fangs protruding from his gums as he looked down at her. He had her hands above her head with one hand in a vice grip and the other hand gentle caressed her face and played with her hair. She was no afraid, despite not being able to move away from him and when she looked up at him, instead she smiled at him, asking if he was alright. Her eyes were a soft, kind purple whereas his own were angry and guilty, harsh and sad all at the same time. [i]“I love you Cecily.”[/i] He whispered the words, descending upon her and kissing her softly on the mouth, her stunned silence a comfort to his uneasy and instinctive self. The man kissed her again, following the line of her jaw with his nose until he kissed the soft skin of her neck, just above her shoulder and he bit her. His fangs pierced her flesh easily, parting the skin and muscle until they reached the warm vein beneath and hot blood poured into his mouth. He had let go of her hands and held her against him, not so hard as to hurt her, as if cradling her against him as he drank her blood though his fingers were wrapped up in her clothing already. She could see the full moon outside, peeking out between the clouds as she wrapped her arms around him and spoke softly to him in an effort to calm the shaking man as he finally took his fangs from her neck. Had she known the entire time that he was a vampire? The man looked down at the weak girl, her breathing slowing with her heart rate but still she smiled at him, completely at peace with dying like this with no instinct to survive kicking in. Leon on the other hand was not alright with her dying like this, especially not by his hand and he tore open his own wrist, taking his blood into his mouth before kissing her and making her drink it. With her blood inside him he was able to heal her though she slept all the next day while her parents departed for the main land again. He stayed behind to watch her though this ended with her talking to him and asking her to become a vampire. [i]“If I choose this way. . . The painful way, would I still be able to have children?”[/i] He only had to nod for her to make her choice and over the course of the next six months she carefully drank his blood and that of the human servants that he compelled to forget what they were doing to them. It was a long process, going as slowly and gently as the transformation allowed and eventually she collapsed as the final stretch of the transformation wreaked havoc on her body. Days blended into nights into weeks into a month before she finally opened her eyes, the fever broken and the pain gone. She was a vampire, but she woke and moved while Leon was asleep at her bedside and careful not to wake him she had gone in search of three times – her daughter, wine and blood – though while she walked she had to walked passed a window through which the sun blazed. She was not afraid, and needed to test her new limitations. She reached out a bare hand into the sun and, surprisingly, nothing happened. She was a Daywalker, the first in the last three thousand years and she would have to be sure to keep this a secret from anyone she was unsure of their loyalties or trust. The two stayed at the castle for the next ten years, raising her daughter and in 1452, the girl was still human and fully aware of the existence of vampires, already been taught how to avoid their cold manipulation and married to a young man she liked very much. The two would stay at the manor as the vampires left Venice, on a long journey around the world. But those tales are best left for another day . . . [u][b]Extras[/b][/u] -She has a wide range of knowledge including, human and vampire anatomy, herbs and cultures around the world- -Prefers wine spiked with blood to straight blood if it’s not fresh from the source- [/center]