Nacht was unaware of the disagreements the others were having about his words and actions, and even if he did he wouldn’t have cared. After he had finished making his piece, the Night’s Emperor received an important missive from a player in the Black Cowls. [QUOTE]To: Nacht Subject: Treason I followed up on the history of several new inductees into the Black Cowls. A majority of them have come from well-known guilds. A friend of mine from one of them mentioned they were urging some people to join us to spy for them.[/QUOTE] The rest of the message contained the list of traitors and their associated guilds. Frankly, he wasn’t surprised. It wasn’t as if many of them would reach the upper echelons of his organization. Nevertheless, it was bad if more and more turned up. Even the smallest of ants could cause a nuisance. Nacht decided he would come up with a solution later. Just as he exited from the message, Datze had teleported the group into another area. Leave it to that man to do as he wished. It further irked him when he took command, but he acquiesced since he was the one leading the quest. Any other time would have been a different matter entirely. As the Dragon God explained the plan, Nacht changed his outfit with a flick of his hand. No longer was he wearing his magnificent armor and cape, it was replaced with simple leathers that made him look more like a sellsword. However, his face still remained obscured. Though he was not wearing his iconic helm, he had replaced it with a bandana covering the lower half of his face. To the others that never had seen him in such clothing before would be surprised to learn of his young appearance, sharp gold eyes, and black hair. [COLOR=Black][B]“Datze, I’m a little disappointed in you. I can do [I]far[/I] more than order NPCs around,”[/B][/COLOR] he said amusedly. [COLOR=Black][B]“Bonum, what is your plan? Please don’t tell me you’re simply going to ask people to aid you out of the goodness of their hearts?”[/B][/COLOR]