[h1]Separ[/h1] Separ studied the raider carefully, taking in the combat stance, posture, and how he fought. He was certainly not an amateur, and while Separ felt confident in Carver, he knew that it would be a tough battle, and if the other raiders were to attack now, things would certainly get hairy. [i]If only I was at my full strength.[/i] Thought Separ as he glanced around looking for any type of advantageous terrain. While he didn't particularly find anything worthwhile, the sight of the gnome made him recall how the gnome had healed him. Separ walked over to the gnome prepared to ask for a heal but stopped himself. If he were to ask and the raiders were to over hear it, they'd both be toast. He was going to have to be smart about this, but how? Mulling it over for a moment Separ finally walked towards the gnome. [b][color=ForestGreen]"Calvin, I want you to stay behind me at all costs, should Carver lose I want you to run as fast and as far as you can. We've been friends all our lives and now that our hometown is destroyed I have nothing to look forward to. I will however hold off these raiders so you can escape if it all comes down to that, even though I do not know how to fight."[/color][/b] Separ turned around to face the raiders, his body blocking the view of the gnome partially. Subtly moving his hand backwards he grabbed the gnome's own hand. [b][color=ForestGreen]"Lend me your strength Calvin, and run once this is over."[/color][/b] It was obviously a lie, Separ had not known the gnome until recently, nor did Separ live in Ravenwood, and while the gnome knew that, the raiders did not. Separ hoped his message had gotten across rather than making himself out to be a crazy person. If the gnome could heal him fully things might be looking up, hopefully the raiders were to busy watching the fight to notice. [i]I'm counting on you, please understand what I'm trying to tell you.[/i]