Nacht pondered over Bonum’s suggestion—the White Knight knew better than to think he can order [i]him[/i] after all. His idea had merit and would make for a good start on their task. Nacht glanced at his surroundings, filing away the minute details of this particular starting city. Dural Cairn was not spectacular by any means. He had conquered several cities that were the jewel of their neighbors. This city was nothing. However, it was nothing with a purpose. It served as a starting ground for many beginners. Generic, Bonum’s suggestion was too generic, thought Nacht. It was a good start and, normally, even his best agents would have started with the same kind of idea. However, anyone can think it. Beginners plagued the marketplace and library of any city. The Monster Café was meant to be hidden, away from the prying eyes of adventurers. Putting the information in those two areas only risked having idiotic newbies find the place and charge in the café to cause a ruckus. Underneath his bandana, Nacht smirked. Turning to Bonum, he announced, [COLOR=Black][b]“Your idea holds merit, but it’s too obvious. We’re in a beginner city. Those two places are where beginners go all too often. Why risk an information leak there? We need to head to the underworld. We need to talk to the lowest of the low, the scummiest of the scum, if we want our information.”[/b][/COLOR]