Varrik did not have much time to enjoy his drink as he heard a sudden voice break through the silence. [b]"So ..."[/b] Kayla had always been one of the stealthier of the knights, as her agility and grace allowed her to step with hardly a sound. Apparently even without her weapon, she had mastered masking her presence until she wanted it to be known. As Varrik turned, he could see her leaning the small of her back against one of the window ledges, reading over the letter one last time. After a quick moment, she lowered her arm and looked at the ice mage with a slight smirk. [b]"Attempting another rebellion? ... there's less of us this time, though,"[/b] she began to talk, her smirk slowly fading at painful memories. [b]"Besides the fact that you need to rally everyone like [i]'he'[/i] did before... what, exactly, is the plan? - Obviously getting our weapons back.. somehow.."[/b] She paused, looking back to place the paper on the ledge and folding her arms over her chest, her tail swaying only ever so gently. [b]"I take it.. you know where they are? It'd be nice to be reunited with my glove."[/b] Kayla hadn't looked too worse for the wear, despite how long it had been and perhaps surprisingly, she actually seemed to be getting along quite well. It was a wonder, seeing how her lover had died only moments before they all had to run for their lives. Which begged the question, of course - was she [u]really[/u] okay?