Alula drifted easily through the forest. Well, it wasn't exactly Alula anymore. Something else had taken over completely. Glowing silver hair floated freely, no longer confined down to earth with its own weight. Alula herself was floating as well, but not in the way she was earlier. She often touched down on the ground, bare feet making bursts of light erupt with every step, and then push herself off. An action rather similar to skiing. She seemed to be rather tranquil, often looking up at the moon or down at the foliage that seemed to strain against itself trying to touch the oracle. She had lost a lot of energy during the battle, and now as she basked in the moonlight she was recharging. She didn't fear running into the horde, being an oracle made it hard for things to surprise you. The oracle did notice something, a tremor in her right hand. [color=6ecff6][i]"I understand, you are scared. You are worried for your friends."[/i][/color] Her voice was regal and calm. And yet the trembling persisted. [color=6ecff6][i]"You did not want to run. You wanted to stay and help, but you were scared."[/i][/color] She smiled, glowing eyes closing. [color=6ecff6][i]"You are not being cowardly, you were being considerate. And brave."[/i][/color] She continued moving through the forest, taking in the silence. She could no longer hear the sounds of the camp. [color=6ecff6][i]"You are worried for them, you do not know it but you understand loss."[/i][/color] She chuckled softly, an enchanting sound. [color=6ecff6][i]"It has been a long time since you have had friends, you are scared that you will lose them, hurt them."[/i][/color] That's odd. Did the moon shining down upon the camp suddenly feel brighter? A comfort?