The ear shattering sound a of a thousand hammers striking an anvil in unison disturbed the strange scene. But while Furnace was rendered speechless, he could faintly hear the others and Carver discuss the newcomer and how he had threatened their fight pact or something. But now they did want to fight him anyways. Furnace couldn't make out if they were happy with this development or not. Such complex rules this fighting had. Furnace nodded sagely as Carver spoke of [i]civilized people[/i]. He had indeed heard that civilized meant complicated. Or something of the like. He wasn't too sure about- hey! Suddenly Furnace noted something of vital importance! He excitedly pointed at the newcomer with the smoking tube in his hand. "Look! He has the same kind of head wear as Alula does! I bet he can shoot those white beams of energy from his palms too!"