The fight had been quick, and once it was over chaos fell upon everyone. Furnace didn't know what to do, so he just followed as he was told to. He saw Separ knock the archers down, before he could ask why Separ showed him as he started to hammer the man with his hands. He remembered how Separ didn't have the ability to channel energy like he did. So he had no tools and made do with his bare hands. What a powerful man. Furnace decided he should follow his lead and jumped on top of one of the archers lying on the ground. He dried to swat at the archer, who tried to push him of with his bow. This wasn't working. He did have a tool for hurting. When Furnace held his hands out palms open directed at the man he stopped moving for a second, looking confused at Furnace. The area around his hands lost colour and darkened as sharp shadows danced in strange electric shapes. Crackling sparks of energy as dark as the void between the stars sprang from his hands and leaped to the other. As Furnace moved his hands closer to the archers head the dark coil of negative energy leaped trough the bandit and back. Furnace knew, as warm and pleasant positive was, so cold and painful was the negative. Somehow the thought gave him a similar cold feeling. Was this what he wanted?