"I do noth think thath thith ith a good thime tho retht, we should keep going." Vis said, adjusting how he carried the now squirming child as she tried to get down. "If you are going to carry me, at least let me ride on your back instead of holding me like a baby!" she whined, starting to kick in her search for freedom, Vis did as he was told and levered the girl onto his back in one swift motion, she wobbled there, dizzy for a moment until she spoke again, "this will do." Voltus then proceeded to stoop over and pick up the girl rolled in the blanket, grunting a bit at all the weight he was carrying and Kelvin was right, she was heavy, "Retht if you wish buth I will keep going." With that Vis turned and walked deeper into the forest and away from the camp, lighting the way with his glowing green eye.