Fenros slowly made his way up the dangerous small pass from the north to the abandoned outpost in the empire of Sentrail. Fenros knew this was abandoned many years before because the pass was so small and dangerous no army would attempt to come through it, the leader of the Order of Knights deemed it a waste of manpower and supplies so they moved out. This would be to his advantage because it was the only place of a few that he could slip by the checkpoints with out worry. Despite proclaimed dead his face was still well known, being the face of the Order of Knights basically. He intended to keep it that way as it was to his advantage. He was on his way to visit Selena again after being gone for a year. But before he would continue his journey he was going to stop at the outpost and rest and warm up. "Curse this cold..." He muttered under his breath. He HATED...despised....Loathed the cold. He could have used his magic to keep him warm but that would have been extremely reckless, due to the fact that over these last seven years he made very little progress building his stamina for his magic. A process only allowed to be possible with the aid of the Dragon Talon. With out it, it was extremely impressive that he made what little progress that he made in his own. Only those who use the sword constantly for many years can obtain enough stamina to wield the magic just as well without the blade. This though came to a stop as he made his way into the outpost and noticed people at the officer lounge... That is one at first. A drunk who kicked in door and apparently was speaking with someone, if ANYONE that is. A smile crept onto his lips as he hoped for bandits, something to warm him up and get out of the cold. Slowly moving up behind the drunk who tossed the bottle out and nearly crashed into his head. Balling his hands into a fist he readied himself to kick the man in the ass and send him flailing into the wall in front of him. But that's when he noticed the woman with Ears... Cat ears that is. Something only one woman he knew of that had them. Kayla.... He then glanced at the other man sitting down on an ice chair who had to be Varrik, which meant the drunk was Bane. There was a surprised look on his face, though it couldn't be seen due to the fact his cloaks hood created a black void where his face was.. ( though it was possible that Kayla would see who it was better due to her senses. After standing in the threshold of the door for a few moments remembering the times he had with his companions. He then said in a gruff voice " what are you all doing here?!" Of course he forgot to mention that he was Fenros, and the others would not understand that they were speaking to him actually Because they thought he was dead ... Unless it was lumire in the group as well. Then she would have simply thought he was a ghost or reincarnated demon or something.