[@TheWizardLizard] I understand the frustration but Carver is slow, un-sturdy if restrained, and doesn't have much attack force. What he has is high health and a high defense that can only be beaten by a large amount of force, like a flail. If it was anyone else who got it by that flail, especially twice, they would be dead. Since he was restrained, it was easy to knock him off his feet. Look, I know it doesn't seem fair but you are playing the part of a tank and because of that you are typically viewed as the biggest threat and will be attacked mercilessly. You've taken all the hits and have left a weak opponent with no weapon that your allies can easily finish off. Tanks typically have trouble against a single strong opponent but thanks to tanks that one opponent will be severely weakened. Trust me, things will get easier and I am rolling for every move everyone makes as well as the NPC's. And I am sorry that you feel cheated and I apologize if anyone else feels this way but I am simply trying my best to be fair by giving everyone an equal chance, the dice just seem to hate you. This is my personal apology to you and to make you it up to you I will give your character a boost in the next fight that way even if the dice hate you, you will have a chance to kick ass. I have already come up for a reason for you to have this boost too. Divine intervention maybe?