Name - January Alias - Scandal {Government code Janius} Age - Unknown thought to be 20 to 30 years old but could be much younger or older Personality - The procedure that changed her left her with no memory of her past and damaged her moral values. Those that hunt her say she suffers acute paranoia because she trusts no one but considering her life previous she is right to be. She enjoys making the powerful look foolish an exposing their dirty perverted desires. Jan has strong survival instincts choosing her own survival over anyone or anything she's even willing to turn on her companions. Powers - [U]Shape Shifting [/U]{Limited Humans Only} Jan can shift instantly into a different human form at will and maintain it so long as she's conscious. If she is in the form of a person who's genetics she's copied she may maintain it even in an unconscious sate. [U]Gene Thief[/U] By making physical contact with a person Jan can copy their genetics then use those genetics to become them to such a degree she could pass any biometric scans. {This ability doesn't allow her to copy powers as yet but may in the far future} [U]Empathic mimicry[/U]. Using this power Jan may become the object of desire of her target of choice. [U]Enhanced Speed[/U] Jan can run at a top speed of 45 mph Skills - Linguistics Weaknesses - Jan is a very vain creature who finds it difficult to assume the appearance of anyone over weight, over the age of 35 or unattractive. She is obsessed with exposing anyone in a position of authority. And lastly she doesn't think of herself as human and views the human race as brutal barbarians. Appearance - Jan's appearance is fluid but at rest she seems to prefer these three [Hider=Forms][IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG][/Hider] Brief Bio - No one knows who she once was or how an why she was created what is known is mostly gossip but this is what is suspected. Jan/Jain/January or Project Jainus was created by altering the Genetic structure of a young mutant captured by a shadow agency of the government to be modified into the perfect spy but they didn't count on her not wishing to cooperate with their plans and escaping. She has since escaping gone on a crusade of vengeance destroying, exposing and sabotaging covert projects around the world. Scandal is her code name now and her targets have broadened to include anyone in power who has a secret to hide. She is without remorse or focus striking chaotically at everything around her. Captured while in the guise of a deceased Cat Burglar Named Rene Seaward she has allowed herself to be imprisoned to throw off her government pursuers; who'd think to look for her in a prison. Serving a six year stretch Scandal has been waiting for the right moment to escape as Rene so she may continue to use the Alter Ego in future.