Oh. Well. I guess that answers the question of 'is the sun an actual divinity'. :P And, [@Kronshi] thank you for the acknowledgement. I'd like to reiterate than I'm not asking for preferential treatment or anything, and I understand that that was a pretty bad engagement for Carver to be in, and he was going to come away at best mangled or maybe not at all without help. It was just that after the third consecutive 'your actions have no effect on Bill. You are hit/wrapped in chains/ fall to the ground, writhing pathetically', it sort of crossed the line in my mind from 'Well, this is a tough fight and I guess I'm having bad luck with the rolls, it's to be expected' to 'My character is being abjectly, utterly humiliated, and anything I do to try and stop it is just going to give Bill another turn to pummel and taunt me'. It was a little... frustrating, but, I understand you're trying to be fair, and I do thank you for your consideration. I've played with a lot of GMs who would have responded to that sort of complaint with 'Oh, yeah? Well, Bill picks you up and pile-drives you. You take 3d10 damage. Roll to see how pathetically you weep for your mother', so... thanks for listening. I'll get an IC post typed up shortly. Probably time the more lucid members of the party got an escape plan together, Carver's got his smitin' boots on.