Carver was somewhere warm, and golden, floating on a sea of soft yellow light. Everything else - the battle, his friends, the chains - it was all outside of this, this beam of sunlight, and everything out there was happening very, very slowly. [b][color=fff200]"Carver..."[/color][/b] The voice came from all around him, soft and musical. It was a woman's voice, one he had only heard a few times before; his vigil, his initiation, and once during his training. It was his lady's voice. The sun's. And then she was in front of him, radiant and beautiful, golden-haired, kind-faced, clad in robes of billowing white. "My lady!" the paladin gasped, and tried to fall to one knee, but quickly found he couldn't move. He was rising, being lifted from the ground in the pillar of light. A horrid thought struck him. "My lady, am I dead?" The knight did not fear death, but he feared to die with his duty unfulfilled; if he was dead, he could not protect the others. She laughed, the sound of windchimes on a summer day. [b][color=fff200]"No, brave knight, you have much life left in you." [/color][/b]She stroked his helmed cheek with one hand, where the flail had mangled his face. [b][color=fff200]"Oh, Carver, you always did have such faith in people. You deserve to have it rewarded, one of these days."[/color][/b] "I ask for no reward, my lady." [b][color=fff200]"You never did. Arise, brave knight, and carry on in my name. Carry on the fortitude you have displayed, and I will be gladdened to have such a champion in the dark days to come."[/color][/b] She began to fade, all the light around him dimming. Carver turned his head wildly as the world outside began to speed up again. "My lady! My lady! What is it that I must do?" he called out, desperately. [b][color=fff200]"Protect them, Carver. The task before them is great, and they will need your strength."[/color][/b] "I will fight to the end, my lady." [b][color=fff200]"I know, Carver, but that's not what I mean. Arise, your strength restored, and protect them from what's coming. And, let's have rid of those as well - there are enough chains upon you already, my dear knight."[/color][/b] The light was gone. Carver landed on the ground with a soft thud. Separ was saying something to him, asking whether he wanted to fight the man alone. The paladin turned to him and spoke. "More are coming to kill us, friend - more than we can fight. We must leave and gather the others, go somewhere far from here." Carver bent and picked up his sword and shield before turning to Bill. "You fight very well - it is a shame that you ended up on the wrong side. However, you cannot be allowed to tell your friends which way we went, and though I'd like to make you swear silence, your word has lost value to me." He gestured his head to Separ. "I am not so proud as to make this take longer than necessary, not when time is of the essence. He'll have to die."