[b][colour=crimson]“They are here to plot treason, treason and discord,”[/colour][/b] the Witch Hunter said from the open doorway to the Officers Lounge, her form silhouetted by the dim torch light from outside. In the gloom her mask had a creepy look to it. She took several steps into the room and halted, effectively blocking the entranceway. And for a moment said nothing. The atmosphere was so serious. So nostalgic. And here she was, looking like an Order agent sent to put a stop to their little game. The Witch Hunter started to laugh cheerfully. [b][colour=crimson]“I’m sorry I’m sorry, you guys probably don’t even know who I am. Well, you might know what I am, my reputation has a habit of outrunning me,”[/colour][/b] she said in a very relaxed manner. The Witch Hunter took a bow. And it was a fair enough point truth be told. Her features were all but completely concealed, her face hidden behind the mask that she wore near constantly, a hooded cloak concealing the rest of her. If not for her voice there was no immediate indication as to even her gender. Not a single piece of flesh was on show, which was how she preferred it to be. And if not already distinct enough was there was the fact that she was completely unarmed. The Witch Hunter had no need for steel or flint. Or a name for that matter, having been forced to discard that seven long years ago. Or had it been even longer? Until she had found the letter at one of her old Order safe houses she had all but forgotten what her name actually was. She hummed thoughtfully as she made an effort to once again recall. [b][colour=crimson]“What was it? Ah yes! Lumiere…Delacroix? Yes, that sounds about right. Let’s go with that,”[/colour][/b] she said conversationally as she strode into the room without a worry in the world, her cloak flowing behind her. She avoided sitting at the bar, simply because ‘he’ was already there, sat on the countertop right next to Varrik, not that Varrik would be aware. Even the meow-meow wouldn’t be aware, and she was especially keen when it came to noticing things. ‘He’ acknowledged her with a tip of the hat and his usual smile. She ignored him and stood alone in the corner instead, an evil looking mask in a red hood.