[hider= Kolskegg- Secondary Realitsic or Powered] Kolskegg Human, male Age: 35 years Height: 6'4" Weight: 212 lbs. Eyes: Gray Hair: Long, silver-blond Skin: Ruddy Built: Athletic-muscular Kolskegg is a Gothi (Viking wizard), having been born to the skald Hrolleif and the giantess Arnthrud. Kolskegg has been versed well in the skills and arts of both a warrior and a gothi. Kolskegg carries the runes in a sack; the runes themselves are etched into a chip of reddish stone that ignites and burns when Kolskegg is in the Vey or linked to Asgard. Using the Vey to make a connection takes but a simple prayer then he is surrounded by an ethereal energy stream that ignites the runes when they are cast to unleash the powers contained with in them. The rune sack is a magical bag, it replenishes the runes constantly so that the bag is never empty. Being made by the Gandalf the Dvergr, who used the magic in his rod to construct the rune stones of a reddish material that burned on contact with the Vey. The stones are to be used by a hero at Ragnarok to save Yggdrasil, the world tree and the race of man from the folly of the gods. Kolskegg is the hero and once his birth became known to Gandalf, the dwarf set about completing his task, the Vngviskuld stones were then placed in the black seal skin bag and given to Kolskegg as a gift from the Dvergr. The Vngviskuld stones once placed into the bag never run out, part of the magic infused by Gandalf into the stones granted them existence in perpetuity within the bag. Kolskegg can enter the Vey with a simple thought of prayer to the gods: [color=fdc68a]"Great Aesir, Mighty Vanir, Gods of eternal power, Fulfill my greatest needs, O glorious ones. Teach me the magic I need. Give me a glimpse of your deep wisdom.. Mighty Aesir, the immortals of Asgard. Ancient Vanir, protectors of Yggdrasil You who are the shape shifters, the slayers, the independent ones. Give me the strength in magic I need."[/color] The stones when pulled forth have one of three effects based upon the stones pulled, and three stones are always pulled to combine for the desired effect. [color=00a99d]Kolskegg will always have 6 sets of predetermined rune cast for every fight to simplify the process.[/color] [color=f7976a]1) Aesir/Vanir connection-[/color] using the stones and the Vey opening, when pulling these stones, Kolskegg is summoning an aspect of the gods into him. This effect lasts until another Aesir/Vanir connection is established and a new god is tapped for their aspect. [color=f7976a]2) Galdir-[/color] The blessings of the gods, with Galdir stones cast, Kolskegg can affect the element summoned in any way he desires. He has been known to go into a berserk rage, heal wounds, summon ghost and even restore life within limits. The elements bow to his whims and desires, he has created ice bridges, flaming weapons, lighting bolts and mighty winds and waves. [color=f7976a]3) Seidr-[/color] Is the cursing of Hel. With Seidr, Kolskegg causes harm and misery to all living and self-aware beings. He has caused misfortune to befall an individual with sickness, and even disease or death. Seidr can temporarily sap strength, cause blindness, or even deafness through manipulation of the environment. Kolskegg has slowed the fast and weakened the strongest material with Seidr. [color=f9ad81]Equipment: [/color] Kolskegg carries the sword of legend, [color=6ecff6]Alyward[/color], a plain looking 48" long sword with a dulled blue finish. Alyward is eternally sharp and never dulls; the blade is called the Lathe of Heaven because of its ability to slice nearly anything. However it has been blunted by objects crafted in Jotunheim or Hel's dark realm. Kolskegg wears a mail coat made by the giants; it is incredibly tough to pierce. While not impenetrable it does offer an incredible degree of protection. In addition, a double wrapped belt that holds Alyward to his waist. The belt, as long as he wears it can slowly heal his wounds. Moreover, a large round shield, 36" in diameter made of incredibly tough metal mined by the Dokkalfar (the dark elves), this shield has withstood the impact blow from a giant (2,000 pounds per square inch). The shield has a painted depiction of Yggdrasil embossed on it. [color=39b54a]The Vngviskuld Runes:[/color] [color=00a99d]Runic Spells:[/color] Kolskegg has 6 runic spell chains set up. He can employ them only once until he has cycled through the 6 spells. Once he has done so they are considered replenished and he can begin from the top again. Kolskegg can only go forward with his spells not back. Once a spell is employed a previous spell is canceled. It takes a turn before the spells are in effect they are not instantaneous. The first spell is chosen at random via a six-sided die. [color=00a99d]1 Murder of Crows-[/color] This rune when placed down will summon large, black crows that fill the sky and swarm around Kolskegg obscuring his movements and actions. These crows do not attack but will act to deflect and absorb blows as much as possible. These crows surround Kolskegg in a 10-yard radius. [color=00a99d]2 Hel’s Rune of Destruction-[/color] This rune when placed down creates a constant roiling and buckling of the ground out to a range of 50 yards equal to a 6.0 earthquake causing enemies and allies in the radius to constantly maintain their balance while in the area affected by the rune. Fragile structures can be affected, causing them to tumble and fall. Kolskegg is not affected by the effects and finds level ground when he walks. [color=00a99d]3 Sleipnir’s Grace-[/color] This rune when cast allows Kolskegg to move extremely quickly on land, across water and even have limited flying capabilities. When on land Kolskegg can run at a top speed of 49 miles per hour, covering a mile in 73 seconds. Kolskegg can run across the surface of calm waters for short distances. Kolskegg is able to walk/run on the air up to a height of 100 feet or a 10-story building. [color=00a99d]4 Odin’s Vengeance-[/color] This rune when cast surrounds Kolskegg with a mystical light that augments Kolskegg’s strength with a shard of the All-Father, granting him an increase to his strength allowing him to lift a maximum of 2,000 lbs. (1-ton) [color=00a99d]5 Thor’s Wrath-[/color] This rune when cast energizes Kolskeggs weapon with lightning. Kolskegg can fire a bolt of lightning or can allow the lighting to augment his weapon’s damage. The weapon glows a silver-blue and crackles as minute bolts of lightning race along the weapon. [color=00a99d]6 Ymir’s Vex of Frost- [/color]This rune when cast surrounds Kolskegg in a persistent snow-fall. The snow obscures him and lowers the temperature around Kolskegg in a 50 yard radius to 15 degrees. Kolskegg is immune to the effects of the cold and can create drifts of snow that act as temporary walls within that effect radius. [/hider]