"The plan was to just wing it and try to rekindle that fire for change we all had seven years ago." The mage knight told the cursed knight with a smile before taking a sip of his bottle. "I know where a few of our weapons are. The list so far is mine, yours, Lumière's and....... Desini's." He took a pause before saying that last name so that Kayla could let it sink in as he watched her reaction. He couldn't enjoy the reaction for long as an older man wearing armor burst into the room with a bottle in his hand and in complete disorder. It took Varrik a second to recognize the man as Bane Thronshield of the Revival, the years had not been kind to the once proud man looked beaten down and completely destroyed. Before Varrik could speak another man appeared behind Bane shrouded in a cloak to protect his identity demanding what they were doing here. Once again before he could respond a female appeared wearing a mask and declaring that she was Lumière Delacroix. Varrik paused for a minute expecting another person to show up out of no where just to annoy him farther and interrupt him. "Okay then..... looks like almost everyone has gathered plus someone we must deal with." He said slowly as he turned to the cloaked man standing in the doorway. "We are a group who will overthrow the monarchy here in Sintrial and now that you know this we may not let you leave." The knight jumped off his stool with another sip of his ale as two large ice shards formed above his head. "I do apologize for this, but this must remain secret and I can not risk this meeting getting out. Is there any final wish that we may carry out?" Varrik asked the man before finishing off the last part of his drink and placing the empty bottle on the counter.