Kayla's ears slowly tilted backwards as a forlorn expression crossed her face at the mention of Desini. She quickly bounced back though from the grief, especially seeing as Bane came crashing in. However through the exchange, she couldn't help but remember her past lover. Her only chance at love, she thought, and now it was all gone - no one would want her anymore, and even if they did, they'd probably be just another man. Still, the sight of Bane reminder her that she wasn't the only one without problems. He was once a sight to behold as one of the noble knights, but now he was all but a drunk throwing around bottles. [i]'What happened to us?'[/i] she thought, pursing her lips. Then Lumiere showed up. Kayla had known her vaguely before she had become Knight Guardian - she was pretty, nice, though with a slight air of arrogance that underlined her actions. Apparently though, the madness of the demon blood had run it's course after all these years. She may have been alone, but it seemed that Lumiere was the one whom was truly cursed. If only she could help her somehow, but right now wasn't really the time. Then a voice rang out from outside the barracks that made Kayla look outside the window to the masked man. She could barely make out the face beneath all that darkness ... but that voice, could it really be? She spun around and leaned forward, her eyes growing slightly bigger to take in all the light it could. [b]"Shit..."[/b] she said out loud and stood back up, a shocked expression painted across her face. Her attentions quickly went to Varrick as she held a hand up. [b]"Wait!"[/b] she nearly commanded - though that thought of Kayla being a commanding presence was an odd one. She had never been the type, which made her tone perhaps all the more shocking. [b]"I think that's ... Fenros."[/b]