[quote=Demon Shinobi] Okay let me just try this again. Team 1, objective: free hostages and keep up with crowd control - Amani, Druid, Mudslide, and I think drakel's character with work well since you could fight and keep the hostages safe with magic and shit.[b] You know defensive spells and ice and stuff.[/b] Team 2, objective: take down criminals throughout the building excluding those 3 in the main area with the known hostages - kid flash, robin, void wolf, superboy Team 3, objective: stationed at the points surrounding the building. Use range and maintain stealth to bring down the three in the front while also keeping visual over every nook and cranny to make sure none of the baddies escape. - sayaka, Rachel, emberAny gripes, questions or concerns? I think this is more well thought out. [/quote] He doesn't know defensive spells... He's mostly combat and offence with hardly any defense on him. Most he has is recently some runes that he read from a book 5 seconds ago though as you've seen in our fight he's more combative and destructive that defensive. Both his fire and ice attacks flow with his blood and adrenaline improves the strength of his attacks (while his hoard is his maximum amount able to be given)... Both his ice and fire attacks follow up with his melee hits... punches burn, kicks burn, punches freeze, kicks freeze... only extra thing he has is a breath attack and his draconic form which I don't plan on showing until at minimum the third or fourth mission. :/ Even so we also can't have only four people on crowd control so maybe trade superboy (who you said gets angry easy) with my character if he's cool with it? or move Ember up to first (he can keep any fire off the hostages should one happen and keep baddies off their back), My character to second and void wolf to third... :/ Other than my character's placement though, I like it.