Name: Lex Luthor Age: late 20s Gender:M Species:Human Powers/skills: Genius intelligence, Basic combat skills, skilled in all fields of science, skilled in politics, good people's person, Abilities[hider](The Warsuit)Superhuman Strength Superhuman Durability Flight Force Field: Generation all across the armor and seemingly unprotected head from the torso of the powered armor Or as an energy shield from the left gauntlet. Energy Projection: With varying affects and from varying locations: Kryptonite energy blasts from the gauntlets. Green Kryptonite energy generator in right forefinger. Red Kryptonite energy generator in right middle finger. Blue Kryptonite energy generator in right ring-finger. Black Kryptonite energy generator in right pinky finger. Blue energy from left gauntlet. Electrical surge generated across the armor. Energy Blade: Housed in the right gauntlet. Kryptonite Energy Spikes: Under armor of the right arm Superman powers when he uses the superman serum ToolsWithout war suit he has a laser gun The Warsuit and Kryptonite ring he always wears The Superman serum(Has 3, only lasts 24 hours, but it can be sped up, and the vials can break)[/hider] Weapons(cause why not?): The Warsuit, and Kryptonite Ring Crush:I dont have time for that From:DC Universe Appearance(s):[hider][img][/img](WarSuit)[img][/img]With Superman powers[img][/img][/hider] Bio(optional): Other: CS Name: Wade Wilson, Deadpool Age:20 Gender:M Species:Mutant Powers/skills:Regeneration, immortality,Superhuman level skills, weapon and combat mastery, Fourht wall breaking Weapons(cause why not?): twin katanas, twin pistols, teleportation belt, and the magic satchel(which can pull anything he wants, Plus a jet pack! Crush:Lets see. i dated Death, Rogue, Domino, Copycat,Psyclocke, Some bloated alien thing, and a female version of myself....shut up! You would do the same! We just kissed. From:Marvel Appearance(s):[hider][img][/img][img][/img][/hider] Bio(optional): Other: