Just my two cents. But perhaps we should plan ot when action sequences and mission progress is coming on here. That way everyone can kind of stay on the same wave Length and finish sequences they are having.
For example I could say here.
Scarlet is going to walk into the cargo bay and be attacked by three stowaways she finds. That way people can agree to it and/or know that they will probably have their character called to action and be ready. ^^ another thought would be that the person who dreams up the action sequence should control all of the baddies actions if they wanted. For the case of Swarthybard if we go to help we don't just write something like...
Scarlet snipes everyone in the room from a hidden spot and frees his character. This way he can have the dudes avoid the shots or know she was coming and be prepared for it.
Blah blah. Hopefully this makes sense considering I'm typing it on my phone! xx