Sat next to Varrik atop the counter top ‘he’ smiled and shook his head in obvious disappointment as he surveyed the assembled dregs of Revival, a ragtag group of drunks, recluses and idealists. And yet the sight pleased him equally as well. It made things more interesting. The eventual outcome was not in doubt however. Forces beyond mortal ken were already seeing to that. And with every step that she took toward her Artefact the greater this truth would become. The best part was that in the end it would be naught but noble intentions that would see ‘his’ will fulfilled. What delicious irony. He was about to speak when he noticed that Lumière was looking straight at him. He tipped his hat in response and held his tongue. It looked as though the drama was about to begin. [colour=crimson]“And?”[/colour] Lumière said in a slightly puzzled manner in response to Kayla’s outburst. [colour=crimson]“He is not one of the dead ones, so it’s probably OK for him to be here, no? Especially if he was invited. Were you invited? I think you were invited, you know? You should tell them you were invited,”[/colour] she continued saying in that same slightly confused manner. The dead ones of course referred to the people who had been here when she had first arrived, the ones who were now dead in the snow just outside. She hummed thoughtfully to herself before turning her mask toward the man whom she had originally followed in. [colour=crimson]“Hello Fen-Fen!”[/colour] she said cheerfully, as if only just noticing his arrival.