Pretty soon everybody was in the room and waiting for a briefing which Kid Flash was still thinking up in his head. Contrary to his usual character Kid Flash was fairly focused on the job at hand. He needed to think through virtually every possibility and then pass out assignments accordingly. He was trying to think of the best team ups. It was necessary to try and make it out to run as smoothly as possible. He hadn't even noticed when the others began coming until he turned around and saw them. he glanced down at Sayaka and opened his mouth as if to speak before pausing for a moment. "Alright. I'm only gonna explain once. So let's try and make this as easy as we can." He said ca he pressed a few buttons quickly and a hologram appeared. "Robin scored us some blueprints and we've been getting information on the situation." He began as he the building seemed to com apart as his beck and call and he focused on specific areas. "Right now hostages are primarily here guarded by 3 armed men. There are others in the building. Right now it's being reported as a simple robbery, but we can't be completely sure so we'll need to proceed with caution. Our priority is to make sure none of the hostages get hurt and put the criminals behind bars. Got it?" He asked as he continued with his explanation. "Now on to teams. We'll group up and all focus on our specific tasks." He said simply before beginning to point out individuals. "Amani, Druid, Mudslide. You're Alpha squad along with the masked magic guy. He's squad leader because he's good at thinking up plans and strategizing. You're primary objective will be to get the hostages out of there and run crowd control. Don't let any of the civvies get hurt if you can help it. It's our job as heroes." He said calmly before continuing. "Beta squad is gonna be me, Robin, Superboy and Void Wolf. Our primary objective will be to find any and all bad guys and take them down. No killing. No excessive force. We just need to subdue them and put 'em away." He then listed the final team. "Last but most certainly not least we have Omega squad. Your team will consist of Ember, Rachel and Sayaka and you'll be stationed on roof tops surrounding the exterior of the building. use long range and stealth to make sure nobody escapes and if you can take down the bad guys in the front lobby and keep and eye on Alpha and Beta squad. You guys are our eyes and ears everywhere we can't see or hear." He finally finished and glanced around. "Questions?" He asked with a look that was code for there was no room for debate and they had to move out because team was of the essence. "Good. Now make sure you're all ready to go and let's move out." He said as he pulled his Kid Flash Cowl on and made a few last minutes checks to be sure he was prepared to go.