Furnace followed the head with his eyes as it separated from it's torso and fell followed by a crimson stream of life holding fluid. He wondered how he would repair damage like that. Perhaps this was the kind of destruction the voice had spoken off. The idea was strange and intriguing. What did it mean to be broken? The man with the explosion wands spoke again. His voice as himself unfamiliar to Furnace, but his tone very much so. Although with more words he spoke with a certain.. directness that reminded Furnace of the ones that held him, from the dark days. Without hesitation he started to follow Arastoph. "My [b]friend[/b] Kelvin said we had to get to the nearest town too." Furnace put emphasis on the fact he had friends, as it was still a new and exiting development. "We'll likely find him and the others on the way there. We have to prevent the harvest."