Looking down at his things in his cloak he noticed the one strange girl came up to him and asked if the other kid broke his things... looking down most things weren't broken other than the irreplaceable game board. Looking at the girl with a sigh after listening to the other kid practically yell at KF who said he would make it up to him some how the kid in the black cloak looked back down at his things and was about to speak before the alarm cut him off. Standing up slowly, still holding everything in a his cloak with no place to put his belongings the nameless teen looked at her and said in the uncharacteristic sad tone, [b]" No... nobody can..."[/b] With that he walked into a random room to place his things down as he quickly drew up the same runes as he placed in the other room to protect his items for at least an hour or two. By the time he finished the majority was already ready by the time he finished and so he walked into the war room, now rather hesitant to even fight with this group of individuals. What the Speedster said about making it up to him was a thought that angered him most. To the cloaked teen the speedster didn't care about anyone other than himself and will be the team's downfall in the end. Even so the rage he felt inside was something that was growing more than the sadness he had from what happened. Even though he didn't want to work with these other people he wanted to release his rage to it's fullest potential more, just to feel slightly better. So far only two people he noticed actually did care though even then he had doubts. After listening to the orders of their "leader" the Masked teen looked around at the group, he was shocked that he was placed as leader of a team though he was also furious on the fact that he wasn't going to fight at all. He was practically useless on the team though after clenching his fist and holding in his anger he let it go. Maybe he would be able to do something other than talk and play a leadership role... something he never done before. Looking at the others and seeing the hologram on the he saw where and how the attackers were positioned though he also knew that they would be moving around as well. seeing the inside of the building like this was strange though it was also easily planned out and hearing the names of his teammates also brought in some thought. [i]' Almani... Her powers could be useful if I'm correct on what they do... Druid... Druids were one with nature in legend, she could better prevent the pawns of the group from attacking.... Mudslide... he seems... okay... He'd make fair protection for the civilians as a shield as well...' [/i] He continued to think on his partner's names and how to use them as a strategy though he also wasn't sure about exactly what to do... He doesn't know his team well and doesn't know what to really do with them other than base their abilities off of their name.