Carver sheathed his bloody blade and regarded the corpse coolly. "Look favorably upon him," he whispered. "All men deserve a kind voice in their judgement." His commendation of the fallen concluded, the Paladin turned to the others. "Right. Now does seem like an excellent time to make an exit. I'll follow your lead, friend, if you say you know the way." The knight began to jog lightly in the direction the man had pointed. "Alula!" he shouted, every so often. "Half-elf! Kelvin! Are you out there? We're leaving, come find us!" It occured to him that this may incur further enemy attention, but it struck the knight as the balance of two paths. He couldn't leave his friends alone to fend for themselves in the woods, nor could he risk the safety of the others by searching for them. With luck, they'd solve his dilemma and come find him.