The forest was cold. And quiet, too quiet. Cho and his team were scouring this neck of the woods for a target. Just a few hours ago a power surge was reported in the area by the ParaCom satellites that orbited the Earth, something that stood out in an area completely abandoned by civilisation as a whole, and he could see why. No one could live here, at least, not while the woods were so...strange. This area was under ParaCom watch, yes, and that meant 24/7 surveillance and round-the-clock patrols by helicopters carrying scanners and whatnot and all this complicated stuff that he didn't really bother himself with understanding. He was just a gun sent out to deal with stuff, and this was stuff he had to deal with. Being team leader, this was his responsibility. The men and women under him today were all veterans of at least one paranormal conflict, and all were seasoned soldiers with at least a tour's worth of time under their belts. Each and every person under him today had their purpose; McKinzie was their comms tech, responsible for keeping long range telecommunications open between them and base. Powers was their support specialist, a heavy gunner with a remote sentry folded and stowed in his backpack. Earle and Yemen were their frontmen, a man-and-woman team that took their jobs seriously, packing heat and armoured to match. Puck made for their medical coverage, not as heavily armed as the rest but she had enough to keep their whole team afloat. Cho, though the leader, was near the front but not at it; after all, he was the designated marksman, not the point man. And he was the one carrying the sensor. Strapped to his wrist was a little palm-sized device, a scanner. It searched the immediate vicinity for any power surges, unexplained tremors or anything out of the ordinary. Today, the little gadget was searching for the source of their earlier reported surge, and thus far it was doing a good job of leading them in what they took to be the right direction. Ahead, the trees broke into a clearing that was dominated by ruins, old and covered in moss and vines. Earle, their large point man, stepped up to one of the moss-covered walls and rapped it with a knuckle. [color=yellow]"Stone. Must be real old to still be standing here."[/color] The rest of the team fanned out into the ruins, unsure of what they'd find, but the mood was positive overall; nothing could come out of a simple power surge, right? Well, nothing warranting an entire platoon of soldiers anyway, right? Cho took the high ground, clambering atop a fallen wall to survey the area while the rest of his team spread out around him. He could see the whole ruin plus the edges of the clearing from his vantage point, and though his wrist GPS said the power surge came from this area, he had yet to spot the what. He relayed this down to his team. "Well I can't see anything up here. You guys spot anything?" A chorus of negatives came from his headset. He could see them from up here, obviously. Puck was hanging back, not really moving forward as she stopped to make a check of her field bag, presumably for some supplies she thought were missing. Earle and Yemen were up front, just a few feet apart from each other as they branched out into the ruins. Powers was just next to him, clambering up onto a neighbouring stone structure to set up his sentry, while McKinzie set up a portable communications relay nearby. That left him on watch. He swept the area slowly with his sniper rifle's scope; he'd gone with a lower intensity maginification scope today, for more close quarters combat. Mounted on the diagonal side rails was a red dot sight for super close encounters, a modification he'd made before the deployment. [i]Well[/i], he thought to himself, [i]nothing else to do but wait and watch.[/i] He decided to echo this sentiment to the team. "Stay sharp, guys. It might possibly be nothing, but be prepared for anything. We are ParaCom, we expect the unexpected." Through his headset he heard Yemen chuckle. [color=lightblue]"Damn Cho, and here I thought you couldn't get any cheesier."[/color] [color=yellow]"Oh can it, Yem. You are just like that too. Don't you remember Siem Reap?"[/color] A theatrical sigh. [color=lightblue]"Don't remind me, Earle. We needed a pick-me-up, right?"[/color] "Can the chatter you two. We're looking for a potential threat here, this no time for reminiscing."