Khat held on to Vis' sleeve as he conversed with the paladin, she looked up at him as he talked his twisted words, they didn't sound right to her young, unexperienced ears, they were strained, slowly spoken and broken. She pulled up her scarf to cover her face as he did and felt a little bit better, 'maybe this is why he wears it?' she thought to herself but her thinking was cut short by a rumble in her stomach, followed by a hollow pain, Khat was hungry. She pulled on his sleeve and he entertained her tugging. "I'm hungry," she said simply, looking up at him as he looked down at her in a strange way, "Hello! Can't you hear me from all the way up there? I'm hungry." Vis blinked a bit before coming to. Looking at her with her scarf wrapped around her face sent shivers down his spine for some reason. "I don'th haf anyfing for you tho eath." Voltus replied slowly, watching as her face grew into a look of incredulity. "You're telling me that you came to a bakery and bought no bread?" she retorted harshly, glaring daggers at him, 'if he did't buy bread...' she thought but was interrupted by Vis' face turning red in embarrassment as he reached into his bag for one of the loaves of bread. He snapped off a chunk of staleness and handed it to Khat, she took it and tried it in her hands, she looked on the verge of crying, looking at the piece of bread, 'yesterday's bread,' she thought, 'before all this.' She bit back a sob. Voltus looked down at the girl with a mixture of grief and understanding, he touched her shoulder awkwardly, "When you're done you should thleep." She simply nodded, knowing if she opened her mouth she'd burst out sobbing. She walked off to nestle herself in between some exposed roots of a tree, where she nibbled the bread. Vis turned to carver, "I'll thake firtht watch, paladin."