[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f6/54/e9/f654e9086747e1ec3aad7a7c85836b34.jpg[/img] [color=92278f][b]"A melody comes from all of us, no matter how quiet or unnoticed.[/b]"[/color] [b]Name[/b]: Larentia Casimir Naelistrum [b]Age/True Age[/b]: 20/200 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Species[/b]: Vampire [b]Status[/b]: Turned Vampire [b]Family[/b]: Caerina Naelistrum [b]Profession[/b]: Professional Violinist [b]Significant other[/b]: Crey [b]Sexuality[/b]: Heterosexual [b]Nicknames[/b]: LarLar, Ren [i][b]History[/b][/i]: Born ten minutes before her twin sister Caerina, their parents James and Aselia Naelistrum, could tell thier oldest daughter adored music. Even a few months old Larentia could be heard humming a tune under her breath, her small fingers absently tapping out a rythem to whatever tune she'd be humming at the time. As they grew Larentia's love for music only seemed to grow, instead of talking like most siblings, she and Caerina had a unique method of communication, they would merrily glance at one another and somehow read the answer or question visible there. Whenever home and Caerina was off in the library reading, Larentia could be found in a spare room, pouring over music books her mother or father would buy. When their father stated that they would start learning fine arts as well as fighting, Larentia was given a violin to practice on, Caerina always wanting to hear whatever song Larentia was currently attempting to learn or a tune she'd managed to write down. Having to deal with suitors, was something Larentia hated, even if their father allowed them to pick, it seemed the ones sending letters only cared for the physical instead of doing it out of love. Ignoring all requests, a 14 year old Larentia focused on her passion for music, as well as helping her twin deal with the large amount of letters she received, her newer violin always at the ready to help distract both of them from reality for a bit if needed. It wasn't until she received word that Caerina had vanished that a now 20 year old Larentia threw herself single-mindlly into her passion of music. Her music, once lively, slowing and darkening, easily showing her sadness at suddenly having someone so important vanish from her side. One winter night she finds herself walking beside a dear friend she'd met during one of her concerts, Crey, when all of a sudden the world goes black. Waking up to pain screaming throughout her body, Larentia opens her heavy eyes to find his lips against her, the taste of blood filing her mouth, his eyes glowing bright topaz. Making it to the hospital, Larentia give into the numbness and allows her eyes to close, she doesn't know her heart gives, for two minutes she's pronounced dead before her heart stutters into action once more. When she wakes, a cup is held before her, Crey's eyes glowing once mmore, he explains after she's drained the cup and her stab wound checked over, that he's a Vampire, and now she was one as well, he asks if she's willing to travel with him to see new places. She agrees and after leaving home, a note telling her parents goodbye, Larenria begins her travels with Crey, the years passing by as they visit Central America and then Asia, her musical career taking off as Crey agrees to become her Manager. They now reside in New York, a 150 years later, Crey and Larentia working on music and preparing her for her next concert. [b]Gifts[/b]: [u][i]Hollow Cadence[/i][/u] When this ability is used the voice of the vampire is projected throughout a 20 square foot radius. What this ability can do varies from vampire to vampire. In the case of Larentia, it can be used to cause the senses of anyone within the radius of affect to distort, and on very rare occasions, even stop working completely. The distortion most often affects the sight and hearing of the person before it affects any other sense. What this distortion does is cause the person to hallucinate, as if taken over by an illusion. The illusion is often times so real that they can't be removed from it simply because they don't want to be. It should be noted that if enough pain is inflicted on the person, they will be forced out of the illusionary world. Another--easier--way to disspell the effects of the ability is to be dragged out of the radius that it affects. [u][i]Shadow Doppleganger[/i][/u] This ability is used as a form of escape tactic. When utilized, shadows encase the vampire's entire body, forming to it like a mold. The forming takes approximately 3 minutes to complete, but, when it is finished Larentia is able to step out of the shadows without distorting them. What is left in her place is an almost perfect physical copy of her body, the shadows having lost their dark coloration in favor of the colors that are naturally part of her body, including clothes and artificial colors like painted nails. Once the doppleganger is formed it moves based on mental commands received from Larentia. If she needs to have it block an attack, it will swiftly move in front of her to block it. However, the doppleganger can take up to a maximum of 5 hits before it is shattered. This ability is most often used as a distraction so that Larentia get away unharmed. [b]Personality[/b]: [i][u]Reserved- Detached[/u][/i]: Larentia was once someone who could be read like an 'open book', however now she'll rarely talk of her past or what she's feeling. [i][u]Moody - Termpermental[/u][/i]: There are days where Larentia will happily babble about dreams or memories of her childhood, others where she'll barely speak a word. [i][u]Helpful - Kind[/u][/i]: Unable to resist helping those who need it, Larentia sometimes finds herself confirming someone, even if it's just by buying them coffee.